To my Daddy, “separated by death, together with by love

 In an enthusiastic memory,


 In an enthusiastic memory,
The rain pours even when I dance alone,
By the time this mist clears.

I’ll run with my feet wet,
Daddy, please hold my hand ,
Don’t leave me alone again.…
The moon looks so isolated,
Like it’s weepy in the bright night sky.

Even though I always know the morning will come,
I want to stay in your heart like a lil star.
The day, that moment
If I knew this was gonna happen.

If I knew you won’t be with me anymore,
I would have remembered more of them.
When will it be?

If I see you again
I will look into your eyes And say, “I miss you so much, dad
Behind the faint smile that looked at me
I will draw a beautiful purple shade

We may not be on the same page
But I want to walk this path with you
And want to hold your hand .

My feet are scorching in
the roasting rays of my tears,
Demanded to me Daddy, give me your hand
Please give me breath again
Dad, please say something..

Calling out to you…is your adored child,
You have given true meaning to my life.
Daddy, I won’t memorialise you in the stars,
because they fade away.

I won’t memorise you with a rhyme,
for it will be forgotten one day.
I will just keep you protected in
my heart so that you are with me in every way. I miss you.
To my Daddy

By Rinrainbow

46 thoughts on “To my Daddy, “separated by death, together with by love”

  1. This is a very nice poem and I understand how you feel. I lost my father when I was six years old. My daughter lost her father (and I, my husband) when she was 5 years old.

  2. This is absolutely one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read. I know that one day, I”ll have to talk with my father from heart to heart rather than in person.

  3. I’m lucky that my dad is still alive, but my mom passed away a few years ago. Your words have great meaning to anyone who has experienced this type of loss.

  4. I’m emotional reading this. I have a rocky relationship with my dad growing up but we got closer and closer as the time goes by. I can feel the lines of the poem.

  5. Oh, wow. This one really got me. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl, and I really felt this one. Love it.

  6. I love your poem. I was teary eyed reading this. I can feel your pain, your longing for your father. I lost my father to cancer, 29 years ago. I have been living 29 fatherless years and I miss my dad so much.

    1. I still feel the emotions each time I read this piece. As a father, I am deeply touched by your words. It’s timely that we will celebrate Father’s Day soon.

  7. Such a heartfelt poem. I’m sure it was hard to share, but I know a lot of people will be touched by it, especially with father’s day right around the corner.

  8. Oh, man. Talk about a drop kick in the feels. I love my dad. He’s been my best friend since forever. I can’t imagine losing him.

  9. I really love the way you express your love for your dad in this poem. I can tell you guys had a great bond.

  10. This is beautiful and sad. Love you how expressed your love for your dad. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming poetry.

  11. I welled up reading this poem. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem truly love the rawness and sincerity of your words.

  12. Even the look of beautiful things, like the moon, can turn when you are sad. This poem evokes very poignant feelings.

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