Should You Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach?

Coffee is such a well-liked beverage that its consumption levels come second only to water in some countries .

In addition to helping you are feeling less tired and more alert, the caffeine in coffee may improve your mood, brain function, and exercise performance. it’s going to also boost weight loss and protect against illnesses like type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart condition.

Many people enjoy drinking coffee very first thing in the morning. Yet, some people assert that having it on an empty stomach may harm your health.

This article discusses whether you ought to drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Does it cause digestive issues?

Research shows that coffee’s bitterness may stimulate the assembly of stomach acid.

Does it raise stress hormone levels?

Another common argument is that drinking coffee on an empty stomach may increase levels of the strain hormone cortisol.

Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands and helps regulate metabolism, vital sign , and blood glucose levels. Yet, chronically excessive levels can trigger health problems, including bone loss, high vital sign , type 2 diabetes, and heart condition .

Cortisol levels naturally peak round the time you awaken , decline over the day, and peak again during the first phases of sleep).

Interestingly, coffee stimulates cortisol production. Thus, some people claim that drinking it very first thing within the morning, when cortisol levels are already high, are often dangerous.

However, cortisol production in response to coffee appears much lower among people that drink it regularly, and a few studies show no rise in cortisol in the least . Plus, there’s little evidence to suggest that drinking coffee on a full stomach reduces this response .

What’s more, albeit you don’t drink it often, any increase in cortisol levels seems to be temporary. There’s little reason to believe that such a quick peak would end in long-term health complications.

In short, the negative effects of chronically high levels of this hormone are more likely to result from a health disorder like Cushing’s syndrome than from your coffee intake.

As such, many of us believe that coffee irritates your stomach, worsens symptoms of gut disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and causes heartburn, ulcers, nausea, acid reflux, and indigestion.

Some suggest that drinking your cup of joe on an empty stomach is especially harmful since there’s no other food present to stop the acid from damaging your stomach lining. Yet, research fails to seek out a robust link between coffee and digestive troubles — no matter whether you drink it on an empty stomach.

While a little proportion of individuals are extremely sensitive to coffee and frequently experience heartburn, vomiting, or indigestion, the frequency and severity of those symptoms remain constant no matter whether or not they drink it on an empty stomach or with food.

Still, it’s important to concentrate to how your body responds. If you experience digestive issues after drinking coffee on an empty stomach but not when drinking it with a meal, consider adjusting your intake accordingly.

1 thought on “Should You Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach?”

  1. As you mentioned it is important to listen to your own body. I can drink coffee on an empty stomach but I cannot wait a super long time to eat. I do enjoy it best before I eat though.

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