Is my kidney causing my back pain?

People frequently believe that their back pain is caused by their kidneys. However, it is more likely that your discomfort is the result of a muscle spasm, strain, or a spine-related condition.

The kidneys are higher up than most people realise (see image). As a result, back discomfort, one of the most common reasons individuals visit their doctors, is almost never caused by kidney disease. When pain is caused by a kidney problem, the discomfort is not just higher in the back, but the symptoms are also different.

A kidney stone that becomes trapped in the ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder), for example, creates waves of acute agony rather than the continuous ache of ordinary low back pain. A person suffering from a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) almost invariably has a fever as well as flank pain.

What are the three early indicators of renal disease?

Kidney Disease Symptoms
You’re more tired, have less energy, or are having difficulty concentrating.
You’re having difficulty sleeping.
Your skin is dry and itching.
You have an increased need to urinate.
You notice blood in your urine…
Your pee is frothy…
You have recurrent puffiness around your eyes.

It can be frustrating to try to figure out why your back hurts. The majority of cases of back pain resolve on their own. However, if the soreness or irritation persists, it may indicate a more serious health problem, maybe including the kidneys.

All day, every day, healthy kidneys assist eliminate waste from the body, control blood pressure, produce red blood cells, and conducting other critical functions. These bean-shaped organs are located near the centre of your back, underneath your ribs. As a result, kidney problems—stones, infection, chronic renal disease—are frequently misdiagnosed as mid- or upper back discomfort.

If your pain is limited to the area of the kidney depicted in the figure, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor will tap on your flank to determine whether it is tender. He or she will then most likely request a urine test to look for red and white blood cells, as well as a blood test to ensure the kidneys are working properly. Your doctor may also order an ultrasound or CT scan based on these findings.

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