Domestic Violence: The Fact Behind The Myths

One of the most frequent offences of the assault variety today is domestic violence. Everyone appears to be familiar with someone who has experienced or is currently experiencing domestic violence. They could also be or have been a victim themselves. Unfortunately, there are many beliefs about domestic violence that are blatantly false.

Family and domestic violence can be denote to any performance that is violent, threatening, controlling or has the target of making you or your family feel terrified and unsafe. This includes any conduct that is designed to.

What exactly are acts of violence committed within the home?

Within the context of an intimate partner relationship, domestic violence can take many forms, including physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, economic violence, psychological violence, and technological violence. It can also take the form of threats of violence or other patterns of coercive behaviour.

I’ll talk about a few of those misconceptions in this essay and try to dispel them.

Domestic abusers are really violent individuals.

Despite the fact that some domestic abusers are quite aggressive individuals,they are actually a minority. The majority of the domestic abusers we detained did not resist or engage in combat with us. Why?

Because domestic abuse is about control rather than violence.

Although physical violence is used to enforce the abuser’s power over the victim, control is still the overarching goal. They understand they won’t succeed in taking power, which is why they won’t engage in combat with the police.

If you are in immediate danger, call 000 for Police and Ambulance help if you are in immediate danger.

Another scenario is where the abuser is at work and is asked to do something he may not want to do by his superior, who may even be a woman. Because he lacks control, he refrains from beating the superior. But at home, in private, he demands and seizes power. Many people find it difficult to comprehend this idea.

I’ve highlighted a few typical control issues seen in domestic abusers to help illustrate this better.

*Pursuing the victim’s activities in great detail.
*Separating the victim from friends or family.
*Preventing the person from leaving the house, going to school, working, or joining groups.
*Accusing the victim of being unfaithful on a regular basis.
*Insulting or degrading the victim
*Controlling all financial matters and making the victim give a thorough accounting of their spending.
*Destroying precious or intimate items.
*Stating they’ll never see the kids again or threatening to flee with them.
*As you can see, control is the root cause of domestic violence. Actually, this kind of behaviour does considerably more psychological harm than true physical violence.

“Only the poor experience domestic violence.

“Domestic violence knows no limitations and distresses people of all socioeconomic levels. In one of my cases, the domestic abuser was a well-educated man who had a six-figure salary. His victim, a well-educated woman who used to live with him, earned a respectable living for herself.

They both had respectable occupations and resided in a pricey condos. She was admitted to the hospital with a closed head injury because he had severely beaten her. When we spoke with her later, she said she couldn’t believe she was in this predicament.

She claimed that the person who was abusing her was a white-collar worker who outwardly seemed like a harmless nerd. Her buddies actually didn’t think he was capable of doing this. We were summoned back to the house a few days later to serve as peace officers while the woman packed up her belongings and left.

I saw that she was trembling the entire time we were there. She was petrified that her batterer might return and harm her there. Despite the fact that she had two police officers with her at all times, this occurred (remember this was many days later). Sad to say, but maybe with her departure, this will be the last time she was assaulted. In case you were wondering, yes, he was detained.

“Alcohol drug abuse, stress, and mental disease cause domestic violence”

This is untrue, but it is a typical defence used by abusers to justify their behaviour, and regrettably, many victims accept it. Stress, drug usage, and excessive alcohol use do not create domestic violence; they may contribute to it, but they do not cause the violence itself.

Domestic Violence


Domestic violence is a husband and wife’s private issue.

Domestic abuse affects many more people than simply the two direct victims. Take a look at a child who witnesses horrific abuse every day. Visit that youngster again in around 10 to 15 years to observe who they have grown into. They will probably turn into domestic abusers themselves if they are male. If they are female, they will probably end up being victims of domestic abuse.

Why? It’s a learned behaviour because they grew up in this atmosphere and consider it to be the norm for people to act in this way.

It takes a highly resilient individual to leave that kind of atmosphere and avoid letting it influence their adult lives. Domestic abuse is something that a youngster who witnesses it will never forget.

“She would just go if it were that horrible.”

It’s not always simple to leave a situation of domestic violence. Children are frequently involved, and the victim may not have the resources to maintain herself. Additionally, they could worry that if they leave, someone will kill them.

Some victims of abuse simply won’t leave their abuser, as bizarre as it may sound. I can think of numerous occasions when we’ve detained an abuser, and the next morning the victim is pleading with us to let him go and changing her narrative. This is one of the reasons that several states have amended their laws. The state now brings charges against the domestic abuser, not the victim.

I am able to alter him

The worst idea is this one. Anyone who believes this should carefully read the following. NOT AT ALL! This is something that repeatedly beaten victims have told me over and time again. Domestic abuse is far too complex to be handled or resolved by one person. Either you need to get out of it or get some type of expert help. I would strongly advise leaving. I’ve never heard of someone who said this ever getting their abuser to stop.

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Help lines – White Ribbon Australia 

Any Australian citizen who has experienced, or is at danger of experiencing, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault can call this national counselling line for sexual assault, family violence, and domestic violence at any time, day or night.

What Motivates People To Commit Domestic Violence

There are a number of things that tend to increase someone’s likelihood of engaging in domestic violence. These factors are examined in this article.

There are many factors that could be responsible for the rise in domestic violence that has been observed in recent years. All acts of domestic violence are what we’re talking about here.

Violence against children may also come from their parents. No matter how domestic abuse manifests, the results are always unpleasant. The victims frequently experience these acts of violence from persons they believed should care for them and protect them. It appears as though violent crimes are performed at random. They merely occur; there is no pattern or cause.

People can’t help but feel a need to understand the root causes of these violent acts, especially those who have personally experienced domestic abuse. Witnesses and passersby are also interested. They are curious as to why other people are experiencing these phenomena. Most of the time, the violent person does provide some excuses for their actions, such as when a spouse accuses their spouse of being unfaithful in order to justify violent behaviour.

Children who disobey their parents could also receive violent beatings or slaps from their parents. But you can’t help but have the impression that there is more going on than what is immediately apparent when you consider how serious the penalties appear to be or how vicious the beating or slapping has grown.

Why do people often abuse the ones they’re supposed to love and care about in domestic situations? In this essay, we’ll try to investigate that.

Domestic violence perpetrators are frequently cited as having had a difficult upbringing or a disturbed childhood. The likelihood is that adults who were “disciplined” by violent acts as children will do the same to their own children or families. They would find it difficult to suppress their propensity for marital violence if they had issues controlling their impulses.

Or it can be the case that these individuals have very poor self-esteem since they experienced too much domestic violence as children. They would use acts of violence as a tactic to make their presence known and demonstrate their dominance. They are trying to make up for their earlier lack of self-worth by doing this.

It is also evident that those who lack education are more likely to commit acts of domestic abuse. People with higher levels of education typically have more sophisticated worldviews and are therefore less likely to engage in violent behaviour (especially in the domestic setting). However, there are still some intelligent people who act violently at home. However, they do not represent the majority. In general, a person’s propensity to use violence to solve problems can be decreased by receiving a good education.

Drug misuse problems are frequently related to domestic violence. With drugs involved, nothing constructive could result. Drug abusers are significantly more likely than non-users to act on aggressive impulses, including alcohol abusers. It’s important to remember that while most of us have violent inclinations, whether or not we act on those impulses ultimately determines how things turn out. And as we’ve seen, drug users have a tendency to be more likely to act on these impulses, maybe as a result of the physiological impacts of the substances.

During COVID-19, there was domestic violence and marital conflict.

Domestic violence is a worldwide problem that has become much worse throughout the pandemic. The global major armed conflict is currently ongoing.

During the pandemic, domestic violence has drastically increased all around the world. Domestic abuse takes many different forms, including physical, sexual, verbal, and psychological assault. Domestic abuse hotlines have received twice as many calls and requests for domestic violence attorneys.
Domestic violence is not the only thing that has increased; marital disagreements have also increased. This is demonstrated by the unusually high number of divorce petitions. During the lockdown, the families were compelled to spend more time together, which presented them with new issues. A divorce lawyer in Charlotte believes that this has caused the stress and strain in family ties to increase.


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What is the cause of the rise in marital and domestic violence during COVID-19?

Here is a breakdown.
Why is there domestic violence during the pandemic?

Social isolation

The victim’s isolation from friends, family, and society offers the abusers a chance to exert control over them. Domestic violence cases are rising as a result. Do not allow the abuser to profit from you if you are the victim of personal violence. Make sure you receive assistance before the problem gets worse by searching for a domestic lawyer nearby.

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

One of the main causes of an increase in domestic violence is alcohol. Abusers who are unable to obtain alcohol during lockdown often vent their resentment on their families. Alcohol abuse is like putting more fuel on a fire.

No legal counsel

Only urgent matters continued to be heard in the courts. The abusers found this to be advantageous. A domestic violence legal help you can check women’s Legal Services Australia 

An end to arrests and the release of prisoners

Prisons began to emerge as major hotspots, and as a result, arrests and the release of prisoners were both stopped. This was a significant factor as well.

Unemployment and financial instability

Most men view their careers as defining aspects of their masculinity. Stress and financial uncertainty brought on by losing their employment during the epidemic season led to rage and violence.


Worries about a pandemic and the risk of infection cause the stress hormone cortisol to be secreted more frequently. Aggression in the body and cognition is inversely correlated with stress hormone levels.
Why do marriages struggle during the pandemic?

Work From home

Both couples must take on additional responsibilities such as caring for children, managing online lessons, finishing cooking and cleaning tasks, protecting the family from pandemic exposure, etc. because they are working from home during the epidemic and because schools are closed. Conflicts between spouses arise when one of them is disobedient and refuses to share the new obligations.

Other factors

• Lack of financial and emotional support from the spouse; • Unemployment; • Financial and Emotional Stress
According to a divorce lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina, divorce requests are rising as marital conflicts do.
It’s possible that the pandemic may stop shortly. Will there be an end to domestic violence?

The economic slump may cause it to rise much further. Cases of domestic violence shouldn’t be disregarded. Find a “domestic violence lawyer near me” and give them a call to put an end to them.

Domestic Violence And About Your Legal Rights!

Different facets of society are affected by violence. The usual location causes the phrase to be used differently. Perhaps you have witnessed violence on the news as a result of terrorist acts or during out-of-control political conflicts. In any case, those situations are sources of violence. But that might come as a surprise when you consider the violence in close relationships.

Marriages end in divorce because the partners are unable to agree on many issues and often resort to physically hurting each other. There are exchanges of blows between partners. Family abuse and violence against women are very frequent in today’s society.

People will undoubtedly suffer more than those who are aware of their legal rights. Violence against intimate partners is also sharply increasing. Even in the early stages of the relationship, physical violence occurs. Many issues are exaggerated when all they truly needed was a simple misunderstanding, to begin with.

Physical abuse and emotional abuse are two of the various categories of physical abuse.

If the spouse is kicked, slapped, battered, bit, etc. it is seen as physical abuse. When anything is thrown at a partner with the aim to hurt them, it is also regarded as physical abuse or domestic violence. The degree of the abuse will determine the legal punishment.

The issue of sexual abuse is given a lot of attention. Sexual abusers who are proved to have violated minors will not escape punishment. Another significant area of domestic abuse is emotional abuse. When one partner controls the other’s thoughts, emotions, or aspirations, the results could be disastrous.

When your partner takes particular acts that result in serious health or mental problems, such as sadness or anxiety, or when you are subjected to bodily trauma like these, this is referred to as psychological or emotional abuse.

This includes post-traumatic stress disorder. Another usage of sensitive abuse is bullying or child abuse. This may occur at home or even at the office. When a person has a mental illness or issues with alcoholism, this can occasionally lead to physical abuse. It is more likely that domestic violence will worsen if one of the couples is dealing with such problems.

Domestic abuse definitions and categories vary widely between states and nations. Additionally, they have many allegations and records of domestic violence. It is possible to say that an abducted partner has experienced physical abuse. In addition, verbal or financial abuse is regarded as a criminal offence. These abuses will have a negative impact on both couples.

What are the five symptoms that someone is being emotionally abused?

The following are five warning signs of emotional abuse:

They are overly critical or judgemental of you. They ignore boundaries or invade your privacy. They are possessive and/or controlling. They are manipulative. They frequently disregard you and your emotions. They are manipulative.

At least three different types of mental abuse are listed below.

Other forms of mental abuse include bullying, withholding pleasant words, negging, passive-aggressive backhanded compliments, verbal abuse, mental manipulation, and manipulation of compliments. Other forms of mental abuse include verbal abuse and mental manipulation.

After realising they are the target of mental abuse, some people choose to stay in the relationship, while others turn to harmful coping mechanisms in order to deal with the pain.

Long-term effects of emotional abuse

  • problems on one’s mental health
  • neuroticism can be defined as the predisposition towards negative emotions such as rage and low mood overall.
  • the tension that is ongoing
  • problems with one’s physical health, such as aches and pains throughout the body and irregular heartbeats.
  • attachment challenges.
  • disconnection from one’s emotions or apathy.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are four distinct forms of violence that can occur between intimate partners: physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, and psychological aggression.

Every day of the year, there are different ways that you may contribute to the fight against domestic violence.

Find out more information regarding the movement…
Encourage respectful interactions and positive relationships within your community…
Inquire at your place of employment about any domestic violence programmes that may be available…
Be a force for positive change in your neighbourhood…
Be informed and spread the word about the truth!

How does gender affect domestic violence?

According to the findings of a study that looked at 96 different cases of domestic violence that were reported to the police, men are much more likely to be repeat offenders and significantly more likely than women to employ physical violence, threats, and harassment.

Is domestic violence for men also?

Because it does not solely affect women, it is more accurate to refer to it as marital violence rather than domestic violence. Only women are protected by domestic violence legislation in India; men are not included in this category. It creates the mistaken impression that men can only play the role of the aggressor and never that of the victim.

According to the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005, any act, conduct, omission, or commission that harms or injures or has the potential to harm or injure will be measured as domestic violence by the law.

This law states that any act, conduct, omission, or commission that harms or injures or has the potential to harm or injure will be considered domestic Domestic violence and can be defined by a single act of aggression, whether it be an act of omission or commission. This means that a woman does not need to be subjected to an extended period of abuse before she can seek legal protection.

Additionally, the law applies to minors. Men and women are equally responsible for and victims of acts of violence committed within the home. In spite of this, the majority of the time the victims are females, particularly in our country. Even in the United States, it has been stated that 85 per cent of all violent crimes encountered by women are incidents of intimate partner violence, but just 3 per cent of violent crimes experienced by men involve intimate partner violence. As a result, the term “domestic violence” in the context of India generally refers to domestic abuse committed against women.

It is essential that you are aware that you are not the only male going through the trauma of enduring domestic or familial abuse. There are no official figures available on the number of males who have been victims of domestic violence or abuse in their relationships; nevertheless, the number could be as high as one in three.

This includes husbands, sons, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, nephews, friends, neighbours, and co-workers from all different walks of life and all different ages.

Men frequently fail to disclose instances of abuse committed by women because they either experience feelings of embarrassment or are under the impression that they will not be believed if they do so. The perpetrators could be a husband, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a partner. However, they could also be children, parents, siblings, or caregivers of either gender.

What does it look like when males are the victims of domestic abuse and other forms of family violence?

The following are the most typical types of violent and abusive acts committed against men:

Assaults of a physical nature, including slapping, beating, and scratching

Abuse of the victim’s emotions and mental state, including demeaning comments, ranting, screaming, put-downs, being ignored, and persistent criticism.

Participation in limited decision-making, which entails having every choice concerning one’s finances, purchases, way of life, and living arrangements made for them.

Isolation in social settings refers to the state of being unnecessarily cut off from one’s relatives and friends.

Dominating behaviour is any action that is taken with the intention of causing you to fear, injure, or exert control over you. For instance, someone who dominates you may threaten to hurt either themself or you.

(Taken from Men’s Line Australia’s site launch of their external website)

A person that is abusive may also bite, spit, hurl items, damage your stuff, or hurt your pet. They may also hurt your animal companion. In addition to this, they may exert control over how you spend your money, behave possessively and jealously, accuse you of having an affair, and humiliate you in front of your family and friends.

You might experience feelings of hopelessness, depression, worthlessness, powerlessness, and isolation. You could be experiencing feelings of guilt, shame, and hopelessness. It may be difficult for you to fall asleep or concentrate on the duties at hand at work.

Keep in mind that no one justifies the use of violence. Abuse within the home or within the family is a violation of the law and is considered a criminal offence. You are not to blame for what is occurring, as it is not your fault and you are not responsible for it.

What you can do

Recognizing that you are in an abusive relationship is the first step you can take toward getting out of it. The second stage is to come to the realisation that there is something that can be done about it. Here are some of the next steps:

  1. Observe it and report it.

Do not keep quiet about the abuse; instead, contact the authorities, your physician, or an attorney. They will be aware of your legal rights and will know how to put you in touch with someone who is qualified to offer you professional guidance. It does not mean that you have failed as a man or as a spouse and partner simply because you have sought assistance. There is no reason to blame you. You are not to blame for this. The one who chooses to mistreat their partner in a relationship bears the responsibility for their actions.

NSW Police- external site launch

131 444 – external site launch

The Effects of Physical and Emotional Abuse on a Person’s Health

Not only does violence result in bodily injuries, but it also jeopardises the victim’s and the offender’s social, economic, psychological, spiritual, and emotional well-being, as well as the well-being of society as a whole. A significant factor that contributes to the poor health of women is their experience of violence in the home.

The mental and physical health of women, including their reproductive and sexual health, are adversely affected as a direct result of this issue. Injuries, gynaecological difficulties, temporary or permanent disability, depression, and suicide are only some of the conditions that fall under this category.

“Many types of verbal and psychological abuse give the impression of being relatively harmless at first, but they develop and become more dangerous over time, often gradually and covertly. When victims become accustomed to abusive behaviour, the verbal or psychological manipulations used against them can establish a firm “foothold” in their thoughts. This makes it increasingly difficult for victims to comprehend the gravity of the abuse as time passes. (Witness Justice, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) (3)

Also can contact AVO –apprehended violence order  

What does AVO stand for?

An Apprehended Violence Order is abbreviated as an AVO. When a victim of domestic abuse is afraid of more violence or threats to their safety, a protective order can be issued to protect them from further harm. Orders like these may sometimes be referred to as restraining orders or protective orders.

What are the justifications for issuing an AVO?

If the court is convinced that the protected person has “reasonable reasons” to fear and actually fears that they will be subjected to violence, intimidation, or stalking at the hands of the defendant, the court has the authority to issue an AVO. In addition to these instances, the court has the authority to issue an AVO (for example, if the person in need of protection is a child).

What kind of evidence do I need to present in order to acquire an AVO?

Someone is scaring you or your child, following you around, or harassing you in some other way.
1. In order to get an order protecting you from further contact with the defendant, you will need to demonstrate that you fear the defendant and that there are legitimate grounds for you to fear the defendant.
2. You are required to report any events to the appropriate authorities…
3. An application to the police can be submitted either:

What are the repercussions of someone filing a fraudulent AVO?

Recent Developments in Criminal Law: Amendments to New South Wales’s AVOs

Those who make false declarations might face fines of up to $1100 or perhaps a year in prison, depending on the severity of their offence. All applicants for an AVO are now required to disclose any business contacts and/or a history of legal procedures that they may have had with the individual against whom they are filing the complaint.



If you are in immediate danger, call 000 for Police and Ambulance help if you are in immediate danger.


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