Science Is Catching Up to the Low Carb Lifestyle
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Science Is Catching Up to the Low Carb Lifestyle

Science Is Catching Up to the Low Carb Lifestyle It is almost no secret that since the publication of the low carb weight loss diet, it has been argued that the most prominent supporter was Drs. However, Robert Atkins, the general medical field, has not been impressed. It may be suggested that many doctors, researchers, and government agencies try to convince us that we should not ignore such a weight-loss method. The post-study study was presented as evidence and supported their position. There was a lot of wrong information in the media, which eventually became the only way to lose weight when it was not what the participant was talking about freely. It was just not socially acceptable. Unfortunately, this seems to be a common way to suppress anything that is not in the current situation. But something happened along the way that began to change things. Supporters of low carb weight loss lose weight; a lot. They lose weight and begin to show signs of other health-related benefits such as lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure effects, decreasing glycemic attacks, etc. The pressure in the medical field began to grow and required more research to reach a very high level. Over time, these cells led to increased studies showing that there may be an eating disorder. It was a start. With nearly 60% of Americans overweight or obese, our significant numbers suffer from chronic related diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, providing safe, effective weight loss methods. Many diets seem to fail. I see that our inability to be patient, the demands placed on us, our personal and professional health, and the lack of long-term outcomes are the main contributors to this failure. The less restrictive approach to food choice provides the first weight loss success as a pre-purchase return in the system for a few weeks and can account for, predict and help resolve conflicts that require much attention. Gary Foster, Director of the Center for Obesity Investigate and Education at Temple University in Philadelphia, was recently quoted as saying, “The time has passed when we can say that the Atkins diet is not bad for you. That’s an outdated condition. This is an effective way to lose weight.” It is important to note that any safe method that, when reviewed by your healthcare professional, helps you lose weight is very beneficial and needs to be considered. Some are very effective in your lifestyle and your preferences. If so, follow them. Your hope and goal should be that the initial weight loss will become a complete lifestyle change. Let’s face it – our eating habits and lifestyle caused problems in the first place unless a specific medical condition was the cause. There is no long-term weight loss and weight maintenance when there is no lifestyle change. Welcome to the “weight loss roller coaster” reported to be dangerous to your health. A summary of 17 studies that followed more than 1,100 obese people who followed a low-carb approach to weight loss provided a fascinating observation. Within 6 – 12 months, these dieters have lost about 18 pounds. The worst is the average of 1.5 pounds a month during the year. Who wouldn’t sign up for that early? Our dieters have improved their body shape by losing inches at the waist, but that is not all. They have seen improvements in other areas as well. Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood fats and good cholesterol had improved while bad cholesterol (LDL) had not altered. Significantly, our dieters were healthier by improving heart disease and other risk factors. Isn’t this? I know that the medical profession is a dedicated, often self-sacrificing group. In addition to working hard and treating our illnesses, they are committed to our best protection. Science is reaching for a lower-carb life for weight loss to some extent. I would like to see more doctors look at this study a second time so that those of us who follow this approach can be more resilient; getting the good news from more people can benefit from that. Science Is Catching Up to the Low Carb Lifestyle- source from

Everyday Tips for Weight Loss
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Everyday Tips for Weight Loss

Everyday Tips for Weight Loss Whether it is the wedding season, the holiday season, or just your fitness, everyone wants to lose weight and look fit. Unhealthy lifestyles often include junk food and high-fat diets as well as very little or no exercise at all. Sitting in your workplace all day can cause all the fat to accumulate in the lower part of your body, thus concentrating on your thighs and hips. Flex on the hips and thighs is basically known as cellulite. Cellulite is strong and can be very difficult to get rid of. Find some tips on how to reduce hip fat:   Drink Water This solution does not seem to make much of a difference, but it does play an important role in controlling your weight. There is an intention why all health professionals emphasize its significance. Water cleanses your system and removes unhealthy toxins from the body. It also improves metabolism, thereby increasing the speed of your weight loss journey. It is recommended that you drink at least 8-9 glasses daily to stay healthy. You can also squeeze the lemon juice into your water for extra benefits. Reduce Sugar   Reduce your intake of sugar through chocolate and sweets. Sugar is a specific type of fat and the main reason for lighter hips. Replace your sweet desires with fruit. Cold drinks and beverages are high in unhealthy sugars. Exfoliating this ultimately is an easy way to lose weight in your hip area. Exercise   One of the most important weight loss tips is exercise. Regular exercise is needed to reduce flab and control fat accumulation. Exercise that focuses on keeping cellulite in your body is usually more intense and requires more effort. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Your daily exercise should begin with exercises such as squats, sitting, bending, lungs and hip height in various numbers and orders. These exercises are very focused on the proper shape of your hips and thighs. They are solid and should be combined with cardio regularly. Also, you can speed up blood circulation and improve metabolism, burning fat effectively with faster walking, running and running. Manage Calories   Avoid junk food and processed foods as a disease! They do not have the amount of healthy food at all or anything and do not add anything to weight loss. Excess calories reduce your way to healthy goals. Make sure your diet includes raw, leafy greens to improve your nutrition. It must also contain more protein and vitamins than carbohydrates and sugars. Avoid foods that are as simple as possible. Do not eat too often, instead, eat nutritious food to prevent constant hunger.   Yoga Depression is often identified as a major factor in weight gain. Yoga and meditation help to soothe your emotions and stabilize your heart rate. If you have a short time to do daily yoga, the least you can do is make sure you are doing a few minutes of breathing work in the morning. A stress-free body is a healthy body. Fitness will be a long journey full of healthy food and exercise. Keeping a check on what you are eating and keeping a good exercise routine is the best way to maintain a healthy weight. Hips may be difficult to determine, but with the right attitude, dedication, and determination, a small waistline is yours. So plan your fitness trip and move on to that wedding or holiday with your fancy version! Everyday Tips for Weight Loss [ad_2]    

Basal Metabolic Rate: Starting Point For Weight Loss Plan
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Basal Metabolic Rate: Starting Point For Weight Loss Plan

Basal Metabolic Rate Your basal metabolic rate is a tool that trainers and nutritionists use as a starting point in their weight loss program. We all know what basal metabolism is – a dictionary describes it as “the quantity of energy used by a relaxing object simply by preserving its simple functions.” The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is a measure of the energy needed for the body to relax. The calories you burn do nothing (other than overseeing your body’s basic functions such as digestion, blood circulation, breathing, etc., of course). It is a natural way to keep you from growing indefinitely. But how does a basal metabolic rate help us start a weight loss program? The basal metabolic rate is an indicator factor used to determine the minimum of our daily calorie needs. We can calculate BMR using simple arithmetic according to the formula:  Male: 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height) To illustrate, suppose a 40-year-old woman loses 5’6’s weight and weighs 150 pounds: 655 + (4.3 x 150) + (4.7 x 66) – (4.7 x 40) = 655 + 645 + 310 – 188 = 1,422 calories   His basal metabolic rate is 1,422. That means the woman burns 1,422 calories keeping her body active. So what does the coach (or you) do with this information? This number represents the minimum calories you need each day for sustenance. But what if you want to lose weight? You just have to lower your calories, right? That’s not right. When you reduce calories, your body responds naturally by reducing its calorie intake to protect itself from starvation. Even if you eat less, your weight does not change. If you eat the same calories but exercise a lot, that should work, right? If your body is working hard and you are not getting enough energy, too, it will reduce your calorie burn and your results will be minimal. So does that mean you should eat more calories? Does that not make sense? Not according to Josh Bezoni, fitness expert and founder of BioTrust Nutrition. He says, “Exercise increases the body. Eating increases the body. The trick is to learn to balance both in order to build the wrong calorie balance.” Suppose you calculate your basal metabolic rate and allow you to burn 2000 calories a day. Knowing this, you continue to eat and start eating 1500 calories a day causing a shortage of 500. That may seem like a good idea, but eating less will slow down your metabolism. Now let’s change a few things. Your basal metabolic rate still allows you to burn 2000 calories a day. But, instead of reducing your calories to 1500, you start eating 300 more calories each day but also burn an extra 800 calories through exercise. The result? You get the same 500 calorie deficit (2800 calories burned – 2300 calories consumed) but you do so while growing your body with more food and exercise. This procedure is especially useful for those with a low basal metabolic rate due to calorie restriction and sedentary health. (By the way, a 500 calorie deficit a day shows a weight loss of 1 kg per week.) The basal metabolic rate provides a good base for low calories. Obviously, proper nutrition and exercise are essential to your success. A sugary diet and/or exercise program that includes regular walking on a treadmill will make it harder to lose weight. But if you use your BMR as a starter, you will be able to not go down that level and add diet and exercise properly to create a calorie deficit. The basal metabolic rate makes you get started. The next step is to change your lifestyle. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean protein sources, seeds and nuts (to a lesser extent) combined with strength training that includes both aerobic and anaerobic exercise is a good formula to follow to lose weight and overall health. Some sports can give you a full workout, too. An excellent start to a weight loss program is to calculate your basal metabolic rate.   

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The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet

The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet The ketogenic diet, or as a few people like to call it, the Keto diet or low carb diet, is tied in with burning-through a great deal of protein also, fats yet fewer carbs. This eating routine causes the body to send the fats that we burn through to the liver, which the last change it into energy to keep the body stable and dynamic for quite a while without feeling tired rapidly. The word ketogenic is gotten from “ketosis,” which implies the body’s condition when it needs something more glucose in it to transform it into energy. So it produces ketones that fill in as a stunning wellspring of life for both the body and the cerebrum, which makes it a terrific alternative for getting in shape in the short term. The keto diet keeps you from burning through the parcel for carbs. That is the primary explanation for putting on weight because of the sugar. Makes you hungry more often than not. When you burn-through carbs with little segments and spotlight more on protein and fat; your body doesn’t push you more often than not to eat; all things considered, it employs those fats to fulfil your craving and keep you dynamic. If you are searching for an eating regimen that will help you get more fit in the short term, the ketogenic diet is the ideal eating routine for you. It causes you to accomplish a great fit body; yet, besides, it gives enormous medical advantages. Premium Keto Diet Pills – Utilize Fat for Energy with Ketosis – Boost Energy & Focus, Manage Cravings, Support Metabolism – Keto BHB Supplement for Women and Men – 30 Day Supply-Check now-   GET YOUR CUSTOM KETO DIET PLAN   The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet So far, there are many incredible advantages of the keto diet. Still, no negative impacts have shown up yet by any stretch of the imagination, making it the delectable eating regimen that fits everyone. Here are other wellbeing advantages of the keto diet: 1. Expands the degree of HDL: One of the best parts of the ketogenic diet is that it expands the degree of HDL in the body, which is the good cholesterol that helps bring down the danger of heart illnesses. 2. Helps in Alleviating Diabetes Type 2: By eliminating carbs from your everyday dinners, you bid farewell to sugar and insulin because your body as of now has what it needs, and you Won’t need to be stressed over what you eat. 3. Brings down Blood Pressure: High pulse is a fiasco since it may prompt kidney disappointment, heart Illnesses, strokes.. With this diet, you can say goodbye to each of those concerns and carry on with a stable life away from each of those threatening infections that Compromise your life. 4. Gum Disease: Gum illness is one of the most noticeably terrible and most excruciating sicknesses. which is generally brought about by the utilization of something over the top Sugar. At the point when you kill sugar from your everyday suppers, you can evade gum sicknesses and toothaches. While on the keto diet, a large portion of your eating routine will comprise nourishments high in fats combined with a deliberate admission of proteins and Low sugar consumption.   GET YOUR CUSTOM KETO DIET PLAN   How to Get Into Ketosis ‘Fast’: Invaluable Tips- It requires 48 hours to get into ketosis. To arrive, you should accurately adjust the keto diet. The following are tips that should help you do exactly that and get your body into ketosis quicker: Tip 1: To get into ketosis quicker, eat under 20g of carbs a day. Tip 2: Drink water, around 100 ounces for each day. Drink more to lose more. Tip 3: Purchase some Ketosis. Getting some approval that the eating regimen is really working will be an extraordinary inspiration to keep you on a tight eating routine thinking about the scary idea of the first hardly any days of the eating regimen. Tip 4: Do not panic. Know about the keto flu coming your direction. The dizziness, the touchiness, and exhaustion you will feel on the initial three days may make them experience state of mind swings; yet don’t give in right now. Reward yourself with bacon also, heavenly keto well disposed of nourishments as you pine for carbs and sugars. The hankering will vanish insofar as you’re full. Tip 5: Consume more salt. This is truly significant. While on a keto diet, your body doesn’t hold water as it regularly would; subsequently, electrolytes like sodium rapidly flush out of your body. Subsequently, you need consistent recharging; else, you will feel terrible. As shown before, settle on ocean salt. Tip 6: Never make the way for hunger. At the point when you feel the smallest piece of a craving for food, quickly eat high-fat low-carb nourishments. The second you get excessively ravenous, it frames the enticement pathway. Keep in mind: go basic. Don’t over arrangement things since when you do, you may wind up making everything exacting and less fun. The keto diet is fun; keep it so. Tip 7: Remember: this is certainly not a high protein diet. The keto diet is high fat, low carb, and moderate protein diet. Moderate is the catchphrase here. Tip 8: Embrace the fat. Eat fat to lose fat that is your new maxim. Try not to avoid the fat since it is your ticket to a better you.   GET YOUR CUSTOM KETO DIET PLAN         GET YOUR CUSTOM KETO DIET PLAN  

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Easy Chicken Recipes for Dinner

Once you start reading this article, you will surely get what is stated in the title. Of course this article is not going to disappoint you so hold on and find out what could be the most preferable easy chicken recipes for dinner to share with your loved ones. There are lots of recipes you can do with the chicken and these are easy to deal with. Chicken is very likable and absolutely lovable that’s why most people are chicken fans (and I am proud to be one of them). So do not worry too much about dinner because the chicken’s going to be extra delicious for that. Take note that these are easy chicken recipes, you can simply not exert too much effort with that, perhaps the result will be awesome. So here are some easy chicken recipes for dinner you can try: Chicken Strips with Mayo dip Cut boneless and skinless breasts in strips (don’t make them too thin). On a plate, add salt, pepper and flour together. In a mixing bowl, mix egg with mustard and water. Get another plate and place bread crumbs. After these, dip the chicken strips with the first mixture, then the second and third. When the chicken strips are fully coated, you can now fry it on a pan with oil and butter. Wait until the chicken browns. Serve it with a mayo dip (add green onions and garlic with the mayo if desired) and there you have it! Easy Chicken Barbeque Marinate pieces of chicken with soy sauce, lemon juice, sugar, pepper, garlic, salt and tomato ketchup for at least 30 minutes (if you have time, you can marinate it over night). Remember that the longer the time you marinate it, the more flavorful it will be. There are also barbeque sauces sold in the market which you can stick to for marinating. After marinating, you can now barbeque it or simply grill it. Make sure it is well cooked and tender. Quick and Easy Chicken Parmesan You just need these ingredients: skinless chicken breasts, tomato sauce, beaten eggs, shredded mozzarella cheese, grated parmesan cheese and chopped parsley. Flatten the chicken with a meat mallet or simply just with your bare hands to equalize the thickness of meat. Dip the chicken first with the egg and coat with the bread crumbs. Brown the chicken on a pan with butter over moderate heat. After browning, add the tomato sauce. Lower the heat and let it simmer covered for 10 minutes. Sprinkle cheeses and parsley and wait until the cheese melts. by David Jhones

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Food, Latest Now

How to Cook Healthy Food

In order to cook healthy, the initial thing to keep in mind is to use healthy elements rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients. They are not only essential for appropriate functioning of all the system but also keep our immune system strong so that it can efficiently fight diseases. Of this fact, many are aware and make it a point to sensibly choose a balanced diet and choice ingredients! But there are some equally significant aspects of healthy cooking that unfortunately get ignored – mostly due to lack of awareness.  For one, the cookware we use significantly affects the quality of food cooked in it. Consider conventional cookware that’s made of diverse metals and ceramics that are not appropriate for cooking albeit being so popular. Why is it not appropriate? Food is a biochemical entity. All metals are volatile to nutrients that are in the form of oxygen, hydrogen halogens, acids, and bases. At cooking temperature, metals disruption into ions and react with food. They are then digested with food and accrue in tissues and organs. When this endures for long, it becomes the foundation for numerous health problems that may range from minor illnesses to chronic diseases. The immune system is compromised which as well makes it tough for the body to fight diseases on its own. Try moving a metal pan five minutes into heating, it burns tissues and leaves a scar. Same thing occurs to the nutrients in food when cooked in metal or ceramic cookware. On one hand, the harsh heat damages the delicate nutrients by dissolving them. On the other, water-soluble nutrients fade as steam and deplete the nutritional value of food. What’s left is food lacking in nutritive significance and full of toxins. It’s easy to catch out if your cookware is trickling, just do an alkaline baking soda test at your home to check the toxicity of a cookware!   There is no healthy cooking without healthy cookware! – one that doesn’t leach toxins into food and doesn’t mess with the nutrients. Pure clay is a healthy material that is suitable for making healthy cookware.  It can be harvested from unfarmed and non-industrialized lands, as it is initiate in deepest form at those places. Pure clay has naturally inert properties making it the maximum non-reactive of all cookware materials in the market. Also, they radiate a unique far-infrared heat that penetrates deep into every grain and gently cooks without destroying the elusive nutrients. They are known for their outstanding steam management properties that play a key role in preserving water-soluble nutrients. Therefore, the nutritional value of food scraps intact, making pure-clay the best choice for making healthy cookware.  

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DIET, Latest Now

How to Lose Tummy Fat and Gain Muscle in 7 Days

Several dieters around the world have jumped on board the new trend of eating cheat meals with astonishing results. Yes, you did read that assertion decorously I did say “cheat meals”. The outcomes have assisted most people to lose tummy fat and gain muscle. According to specialists in the field of bodybuilding, adding cheat meals into your diet benefits to boost your metabolism, kick starts additional fat burning, and ignites any weight loss plateau where it hurts! If you want to seriously lose tummy fat there are only 3 simple rules you have to follow: Stick to a diet of entire and nutritious plus natural foods. If it doesn’t have a nutritional label you know you are on the accurate track! Foods that come in packaging, plastic, or paper tend to have what is normally known as preservatives, additives, and a whole pile of other stuff you probably cannot pronounce let alone repeat out loud. Stay away from those foods at all costs. Take some vitamins for additional energy. These will really boost your strengths to lose tummy fat. The first few days of any new diet plan are going to send your body into a spiraling tunnel of mess! This is purely a means to clear your body of all the toxins you have acquired through poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and conceivably the inclusion of recreational drugs such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. That stuff is pure evil when you are trying to lose weight you should avoid them like the plague! Spread the amount of protein you have in your diet. It benefits to deter sugar cravings and it also assists in the process of muscle repair. If you decide on the best sources of protein, you will find that they tend to be tremendously low in saturated fats. This is a good thing especially if you want to lose tummy fat any time soon. It is important to Reduce refined carbs. While you can’t lose belly fat promptly, you can shrink it with a calorie deficit and exercise. Dodge refined sugars and carbs, processed foods, and sugary drinks including alcohol. You can presume a healthy amount of weight loss between 1-2 pounds a week through diet and exercise. Circuit training. If you want to build muscle and burn fat at an identical time, you have to perform circuit training three days per week. Also can do some Abdominal muscles workouts. Stay away from alcohol                  

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Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

  If you are a woman over 40 and want to lose weight, try the following Weight Loss Tips For Women over forty. To burn fat, you should choose healthy proteins from lean meat and fish and limit sugary treats. Keeping a regular eating schedule will help you to avoid frequent hunger pangs. You should also avoid white bread, refined grains, and soda. Studies show that belly fat can lead to certain health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. Cutting down on processed food is one of the best Weight Loss tips for women over 40. These foods contain added sugars and calories. You should also cut down on fast food and fried foods. These foods also have lower fiber content than whole foods. By doing this, you’ll be able to lose weight while boosting your overall health. By increasing your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, you can improve your digestion and curb your appetite. Another simple Weight Loss tip for women over 40: Keep a calorie diary. By keeping track of the amount of food you eat on a daily basis, you’ll be able to control your portion sizes and still keep your body mass in check. If you don’t have a calorie diary, you can use a calorie calculator to know how much you need and stick to it. The best Weight Loss tip for women over forty include building muscle. A slowing metabolism affects daily activities. By adding more muscle, you’ll have more energy and burn more calories. By using these techniques, you’ll be on your way to a healthier, slimmer body. Once you’re feeling more energetic, you’ll be able to focus on your goals and lose weight. Learn more about how you can burn Belly Fat Naturally. If you are a woman who puts others first, start by recognizing the unhealthy priorities that you’ve been setting. Many women put themselves behind and everyone else before themselves. When you’re stressed, you end up eating junk food. These unhealthy habits can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it’s important to set priorities and stick to them. You must make sure that you are making healthy choices and sticking to them. You should also consider your calorie needs. If you have a higher caloric requirement, you should opt for an exercise program that is focused on improving your overall health. You should try to include physical activity in your routine. The best way to lose weight is to make healthy choices that satisfy your needs. A balanced diet allows you to eat a variety of foods and stay full. If you’re looking for an effective diet plan for women over forty, start today. In addition to eating healthy foods, you should also incorporate plenty of fiber. This is essential for your digestive health and helps you feel full longer. Getting enough fiber in your diet can help you lose weight even in your 40s. It’s crucial to eat plenty of fiber-rich foods and take supplements. Besides, fiber can also help you control your weight and manage it well. But you should also be sure to do your research before choosing a particular plan for yourself. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is also beneficial for women over 40. It can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and increase bone strength. And it can help your body burn fat faster after reaching your forties. Additionally, omega-3-rich foods like flaxseeds, nuts, and avocados can help you lose weight as well. If you follow these tips, you can enjoy a healthier life and lose excess fat in your late forties. You should also consume more vegetables and fruit. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals, and they’re low in calories. If you don’t want to go on a diet that is too restrictive, you can use the general guidelines mentioned above to help you lose weight in your forties. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat more fruits and vegetables. The more fruits you eat, the fewer calories you will burn. [ad_2] Source by Austin Odeon

Hearty Camping Breakfast Recipes To Try
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Hearty Camping Breakfast Recipes To Try

There’s nothing like waking up in a camping tent with just the beautiful sounds of nature. But what can make a morning outdoors even better? That’s right – a hearty and filling breakfast! A good meal is paramount to help you start your day in the great outdoors, especially if you have plenty of activities planned out for the day. You’ll be needing energy and it doesn’t hurt if what you eat is delicious, too! Try these hearty camping breakfast recipes on your next trip to nature: Easy Campfire Breakfast Skillet What you need: 1/2 onion, chopped 6 eggs, beaten 4 cups potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 cup sliced bacon 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese In a cast-iron skillet over the slow-burning campfire coals, cook the bacon to desired doneness. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the onion and potatoes to the skillet and cook them in the hot bacon fat for 10-12 minutes or until potatoes are soft. Return the bacon to the skillet and add the eggs. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes, until eggs are set. Top with cheese and allow to melt before slicing and serving. Yummy Breakfast Burritos What you need: 12 eggs 1 small can green chiles 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese 1 cup frozen hash browns 1 cup cooked ham, diced 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 1 tablespoon taco seasoning 1/2 tablespoon olive oil 8 pieces 12-inch flour tortillas In a large pan, heat the olive oil and cook the has browns and ham, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until cooked through. While waiting for it to cook, whisk the eggs in a large bowl. Whisk in the taco seasoning. Add the eggs to the cooked hash brown and ham and cook until set. Stir in the chiles, Cheddar cheese and cilantro. Place 1/8 of the egg mixture in the center of each tortilla and roll up like a burrito. Wrap in foil and store in Ziploc bags until you’re ready to cook. When ready, warm over campfire coals until heated through (the time will depend on how hot your fire is). Open the foil and allow to cool for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy the great outdoors even more with a good meal to start your day – you’ll be full of energy to tackle those great activities you’ve planned! Try these hearty camping breakfast recipes on your next trip! [ad_2] Source by Daniel J. Smith

DIET, Keto Diet, Latest Now

The Keto Diet and Weight Loss

  If you have had a desire to shed some extra pounds, then perhaps you could have come across a ketogenic diet, which is popularly known as the Keto diet. It is a popular weight-loss plan that promises significant weight loss in a short time. But far from what most people believe it to be, the diet is not a magical tool for weight loss. Just like any other diet, it takes time, requires a lot of adjustment and tracking to see results. What is the Keto diet? The keto diet is aimed at putting your body in Ketosis. This diet plan is usually low carb with a high intake of healthy fats, vegetables, and sufficient proteins. In this diet, there is also an emphasis on avoiding highly processed foods and sugars. There are several types of Keto diets: standard ketogenic, cyclical, targeted, and high-protein diets. The difference in them depends on the carb intake. The standard ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat and adequate protein is the most recommended. Is the Keto Diet Safe? Most critics of the Keto diet say that it is not safe because of the emphasis on consuming high-fat content. This is guided by the misconception that fats are bad for you. On the contrary, healthy fats are actually very good for you. With this diet, you get lots of fats from healthy sources like avocado, nuts, fish, butter, eggs, coconut oil, palm oil, seeds like chia, and red meat. How Does the Keto Diet Aid in Weight Loss? So how does the keto diet really work and help your body lose excess pounds? When on a low-carb diet, your body uses glucose from carbohydrates and sugars to fuel body activities. When on a ketogenic diet, you supply the body with minimal amounts of carbs and sugars. With reduced sugar and carbs supply, the glucose levels in the body are depleted causing the body to look for alternative energy sources. The body, therefore, turns to stored fats for energy which is why the Keto diet leads to weight loss. This condition where your body burns fats for energy other than carbs is called ketosis. When your body goes into ketosis, it produced ketones as the fuel source rather than depending on glucose. Ketones and glucose are the only two power sources that fuel the brain. Benefits of Ketosis and the Keto diet Besides just aiding in weight loss, putting the body in ketosis comes with other health benefits too. Here are some of them: Enhanced mental clarity Improved physical energy Steady blood sugar levels make it a good remedy for epilepsy and diabetes Improved and enhanced skin tones Lower cholesterol levels Hormone regulation especially in women The Ketogenic diet is one of the best diets you can follow for weight loss and to enhance your overall health. The diet can also be used for children who are overweight. There are numerous studies that support the diet showing significant results especially when coupled with exe Source by Mathenge Kabui

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