Animal World

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Animal World, Mammals

Wombat – Fact file about the Wombat

Fact file about the Wombat   Wombats are pudgy marsupials found on mainland Australia and the scattered islands of Australia. Their size is like the size of a medium-sized dog, i.e., 30 inches long. They weigh 24-40kg while the hairy-nosed wombat weighs 19-32kg. They have a lifespan of around 5-15 years in the wild and 20 in the Zoos. The Wombats are nocturnal and eat at night. Their rodent-like incisors grow and help them eat tough vegetation. Wombats have special enzymes that help their stomach digest food. They take 14 days to digest their food. Diet, Habitat, and Behaviour: Diet: Wombats are herbivores. The common food for wombats include roots, grasses, scrub, herbs and bark. Most of their water requirements come from foods they eat. Wombats can live for years without drinking water. Habitat: Wombats live in Australian mountains, forests and grasslands. They live in burrows, which include many tunnels that can reach up to 650ft in length. Some wombats live in many burrows throughout its lifetime. Behaviour: Wombats mark their territory by using their cubed-like poop. They place their poop on fallen trees, fresh mushrooms and rocks. Wombats mate during a time when there is an abundance of food. They will not mate during a drought or during a time when there is a lack of food. The two male Wombats compete for the right to mate. Wombats can be social or loners. They swim but do not climb trees like their closest relative, the Koala. During Winter, they come out of their burrows to sunbathe and warm up. A Wombat’s gestation period is between 21 -30 days. Wombats only give birth to 1-2 young (also known as a Joey), every two years. The Joey weighs 2g at birth and they are small as a jellybean. The Joey stays in the mother’s pouch for five months until they develop. After 5 months, they will come in and out of their mothers pouch for a few months until they grow. Wombats mature at 1.5-3 years. Threats and Conservation efforts: Threats: Conflict with humans, damage to their habitat including damage to the field and pasture from which they eat their food are just some problems facing the Wombat’s existence. Also, hunters hunt the Wombats for their fur and as a sport, which is causing a decrease in their population. Unchecked grazing by cattle and other domestic animals leads to a decline in food for the Wombats. This leads to starvation and death. Disease and wildfires do not help the Wombats survival. Conservation Efforts: The efforts made to save the Wombats from extinction are the initiation of legislations like the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992; Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Conservation Services Division has come up with recovery plans to help the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat survive. There are also organisations like The Wombat Foundation, The Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia, and The Australian Wombat Rehabilitation Centre. These organisations aim at conserving the Wombat populations in the wild. Zoos and National Parks also help in conserving Wombat populations.         Sources:      

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Wild Insects

Beetles facts

Beetles facts Beetles are one of nature’s most prominent examples of overcoming adversity. They first evolved almost 300 million years ago, even before the appearance of the dinosaurs. They watched the dinosaurs come and go and meanwhile developed and vanquished the earth in a heap of structures, shapes, and sizes. Today there are in excess of 350,000 types of creepy crawlies on Earth, and their prosperity is to a great extent because of their very versatile body structure. Beetles, like other insects, have 3 body parts, and three sets of legs all connected to the middle body section (the chest). Reception apparatuses are joined to their heads, and they have two eyes (comprised of numerous focal points) which are known as compound eyes. They have wings like numerous different creepy crawlies, however, the manner by which their wings are kept is altogether different. When the insects first took the skies millions of years ago, one of the biggest risks they faced was damage to their delicate wings. Insects, for example, butterflies, moths, and dragonflies face this issue, and slight harm to their wings regularly brings about the loss of their capacity to fly – which thus may bring about death because of predation. Creepy crawlies defeated this issue through the developmental alteration of their fore-wings into hard defensive spreads called elytra. The elytra ensure their sensitive rear wings when not being used, altogether diminishing the danger of wing harm. This implied creepy crawlies could move into a wide range of territories and were not limited to ways of life that rotated around securing their wings. One of the obvious habitats that insects with exposed wings could not exploit is underground. This is one territory where Beetles are plentiful. A large number of animal types live on or under the ground, and many have become master burrowers. Excrement insects are one gathering absolutely at home burrowing underground. Actually, tunneling into creature droppings would not be at all conceivable had they not advanced with their wings secured. Be that as it may, when these manure adoring bugs need to travel, their elytra open up and their wings are entirely utilitarian. Different insects took to life inside the trees, some, in any event, drilling into the hardwood to lay their eggs. Longicorn insects have solid jaws for biting through wood and long receiving wires which pivot pull out of the way when they travel through the passages. A few Longicorns are exceptionally enormous – among the biggest Beetles in Australia; yet with a heavily clad body over 70mm long they can even now fly. Weevils are the biggest creepy crawly bunch on the planet. There are around 60,000 species known around the world, with all the more yet to be found. They are notable for their long ‘nose’, called a platform, and are a differing gathering of creepy crawlies with species living in the deserts, rainforests, and some in any event, living neglected elevated nation. Our littlest Australian weevil is 1mm extended period of time the biggest is 60mm. The jewel beetles are one of the most astounding of the insect gatherings, many species have a brilliant metallic sheen covering their bodies. They feed on nectar and assume significant jobs in pollinating local plants as they move from bloom to blossom to take care of. Beetles are survivors; examples of overcoming adversity that has experienced a huge number of long periods of advancement which has calibrated them into completely adjusted creatures. The sheer number of these insects on earth makes them a critical creature gathering, basic in keeping up the normal equalization of living things.

Animal World, Birds

Bird Revens- Are crows and ravens the same bird ?

Bird Revens- Are crows and ravens the same bird ? These two species, Common Ravens and American Crows cover broadly all through North America, and they look very comparable. Be that as it may, with a touch of training, you can disclose to them separated. You most likely realize that ravens are bigger, the size of a Red-followed Hawk. Ravens frequently travel two by two, while crows are seen in bigger gatherings. The modern Birds Raven is known to have been present in the North American Pleistocene since the last 1.8 million 10,000 years ago. Bird Ravens are among the most commonly found bird species in the Rancho La Brea fossil deposits in Southern California. They silhouetted the wolves, bears, and other predators and went after the bison herds. When humans first hunted the bird Raven on the North American soil, it seemed as though the ravens had been already waiting for them.  The ordinary bird raven is a bird that endows many paradoxes and inconsistencies to it. With its 2.5 pound weight and 53 inches of wingspan, it is the largest North American bird. It is also the world’s most widespread passerine species, ranging from the high Arctic to Nicaragua, North Africa, and India. The common raven weighs twice as much as its closest California relative, which is the America Crow. Other than its size and voice, there are many other ways of characterizing between these two really large blackbirds. The bird ravens have extremely heavy bills and hairy and unkempt feathers and when seen in flight, it displays its pointed wings and with their wedge-shaped tail.  A lifespan of thirteen years is a typical age limit for a bird raven in the wild. However, if it’s kept captive it could exceed its lifespan. With the maximum brain capacity than its body’s mass, it may also be one of the most intelligent and brightest of all birds. Ravens have indeed verified an insightful behaviour and a capacity for abstract problem-solving.  Interestingly enough, bird ravens can lay four to seven young per pair per year. The young ones then wander widely, conquering, and living in new areas. Garbage-fed ravens do not abandon their predatory ways. They are very alarming birds, that are capable of killing seal pups, reindeer calves, and lambs. They also take a wide range of prey: mammals, reptiles, and other birds.   Social relationships among ravens are complex and diverse which are very imperfectly documented. They also have huge success in colonizing diverse habitats, including farmland and cities, and further exploiting and damaging novel food resources.  The bird ravens vast vocabulary and screams and even to a semi-musical warble, all suggest that they have a great deal to say to one another. Most importantly they are uncanny mimics. It is almost hard to watch a pair of ravens tandem aerobatics without sensing an enthusiasm or a delight for flight’s sake. Ravens have also been observed as playing catch, tobogganing down the snow-covered hills, and pulling tails of wolves and dogs. When they are young they can be insatiably curious, deconstructing towards anything that might as well just conceal their food.   All of this can be added up to the bird ravens’ behavioral flexibility. Bird Ravens are indeed magnificent creatures. Much of what they land up doing is not hardwired; they commonly learn it by exploring their surroundings and watching their elders and peers. An important factor of the environment that they live in is that it is very social. Their social complexity might as well drive the evolution of big brains.   Bird Ravens- Are crows and ravens the same bird Bird Ravens- Are crows and ravens the same bird

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Birds of costa rica

Birds of costa rica Do birds fascinate you? Do you listen to their sounds more than you would MTV’s top 20? Then the birds of Costa Rica will definitely be worth watching. The country prides itself on one-tenth of the world’s total number of bird species. This means that the birds of Costa Rica are approximately 850 species. Of these, only about 630 are residents. The others are those who fly into the country for the winter.   Birds that are unheard of or have become extinct in other places have found their habitat in Costa Rica’s protected reserves. Thus, it is surprising to know that with all the unique birds of Costa Rica, their national bird is the somewhat plain clay-colored robin. The sound of this bird is said to be synchronized with the rainy season as folklore believes it is “calling the rains”.   The birds may be sociable and in abundance, but seeing a great number of species depends on the season, location, and pure luck. You may think that the forest is the best place to look for them, but its messed up setting may not allow you to see them well. A large clearing in the forest may be a better place. And of course, tour companies are experts in birds of Costa Rica so they can take you to places that specialize in bird-watching programs. Some of these include watching the birds of Costa Rica upon the treetops.   Birds of Costa Rica include 50 raptor species. These are the birds that hunt down live prey. An example is a laughing falcon (known locally as guaco for its “wah-co” sounds) which hunts for lizards and snakes. Not among these raptor types but a particularly interesting sight to watch are the toucans, or commonly called “flying bananas”. These are some of the flashiest birds of Costa Rica and in all of Central America. They are famous for picking fruits off with their long beaks, throwing them into the air, and catching them at the back of their throats. The most exotically named birds are the hummingbirds. The beat of their wings (up to 100 beats per second) emit a hum. The wings move so fast that the naked eye cannot detect the movements. They are mostly seen hovering over flowers extracting nectar. The birds of  are interestingly diverse. Where else can you find a bird that lives in a hole in the ground? Costa Rica will show you the different varieties of Motmots that inhabit the underground. And yes, if you must ask, the birds of Costa Rica indeed include vultures. While you might chance upon them feeding on a roadside carcass, they are not actually there to spook you.

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Pet Lovers

American Pit Bull Terrier-The Loyal Working Companion Dog

American Pit Bull Terrier-The Loyal Working Companion Dog  This breed of dog, also fondly called as APBT, is known for its dependability and insight. The dogs with this breed make superb make exceptional companions since they are very aggressive because of their defensive nature. How, at that point, would they say they are not quite the same as the Staffies? For the UKC or the United Kennel Club, Staffies and APBT are of a similar variety however many objects to this proposal. For example, if the American Kennel Club has an American Staffordshire terrier, it will be enrolled as an American pit bull terrier by the United Kennel Club. Moreover, many breeders noted that their heredities have been discrete for quite a while as of now for these dogs to be despite everything considered as having a similar assortment. In the meantime, the American Kennel Club doesn’t enlist a UKC-recorded American pit as an American Staffie. So as to increase double library, the pooch should at first be recorded as an AKC American Staffie before it tends to be recorded with the UKC as an American pit bull, and not the reverse way around. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about APTBs: Classification: Terrier Living Environment: either open-air or indoor Coat: smooth, sparkling, thick, and short Colors: color varies Stature: somewhere in the range of 18 and 22 inches Weight: somewhere in the range of 30 and 60 pounds Temperament: brave, loaded with vitality, and faithful; should be socialized early on with other animals especially with children Medical problems: heart mumbles and mange Care and Exercise: ï Bathe when necessary.. ï Brush their coat only occasionally using a brush with firm bristles. ï Rub down their coat with a towel or a chamois to expel hairs that are free. ï Their body requires a regular exercise routine that incorporates everyday playtime and additionally running along with a bike while on a chain. ï They ought to be on the rope while strolling out in the open spots. Cause/History: The progenitors of APBT went to the US in the mid-1800s with some Irish-Boston settlers. Like the Staffie, they were initially reared from bulldogs and terriers. Since APBT is a harbinger to the Staffie, it was likewise formed to be a battling hound. In any case, the Americans made their assortment a few pounds heavier and prepared them to have all the more remarkable head. Bull bedeviling and hound goading was restricted in England so bull terriers were no longer reared for sessions. It is in America where the pit bull likewise picked up its ubiquity for some uses and reasons like: 1. It was utilized to typify the nation in one WW1 fine art. 2. Well-realized organizations like the Buster Brown Shoe Company and even RCA utilized the variety as mascots. 3. Petie, a pitbull, was one of the stars in, ìOur Gangî, an all-around looked for childrenís TV arrangement. 4. A blend breed called Stubby was changed into a well known and beautified WW1 saint. 5. Pits turned out to be acceptable organizations of pioneer families on their excursions. 6. Jack, a working pit bulldog was claimed by Laura Wilder of lines of books called ìLittle Houseî. 7. Popular individuals like Helen Keller and US President Theodore Roosevelt possessed the assortment. Here is some history about the reason for predicament with respect to the vaults of APBTs. In 1898, the United Kennel Club or UKC was organized to give battling rules and enrollment to APBT as battling hounds. Afterward, there were raisers who disregard away from hound battling so they requested that the AKC perceive their pits so they would be fit for execution occasions like canine shows. In 1935, the AKC endorsed of their petitions yet the canines were enlisted as Staffordshire Terriers, naming them after the little area in England that the variety was known to have started from. Consequently, numerous raisers have hounds that have double vault. It is intriguing to take note of that Petie, which was one of the stars in the, ìOur Gangî TV arrangement was the main variety that was double enrolled to be Staffordshire Terrier/Pit Bull. In any case, the UKC later began enlisting other performing-type assortments and they likewise started holding hound demonstrates practically identical to those of the American Kennel Club. The AKC before long fixed its studbooks to APBTs. They apportioned enlistment to those pit breeds with ancestries that are recorded as Staffies. For a brief period during the 1970s, the AKC unveiled the American pits to their studbooks. In 1973, the American KC chose to include “American” with the pitís name to separate it from a Staffie. At present, those canines with blended APTB-StaffIe guardians are perceived by UKC and even the American Dog Breedersí Association as ìAmerican pits or American pit bull terriersî. These days, the pit has utilized as search and rescuers, police/furnished help hounds, domesticated animal laborers, and even as treatment creatures since they are acceptable as associates and working mutts. Additionally, the assortment can even contend in hound sports, for example, grouping, compliance, and adaptation, French Ring, and Schutzhund. Types of this sort can be extremely adoring as pets for everybody. The physical requests and cruelty of different exercises built up a sound, solid, and stable creature. In the event that you need to have an APBT as a pet, be certain that the little dog is taken care of well and appropriately mingled. A strong and great preparation will without a doubt produce a faithful, serene, and great partner or even a working canine! American Pit Bull Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier Pet lovers Shop-Buy Now

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Snow Leopard: The predatory mountain cat

Snow Leopard: The predatory mountain cat   Snow Leopard are a species of leopard throughout Central and South Asia. There are about 10, 000 of fewer snow leopards in the wild, and their population is in serious decline. The Snow Leopards have fur that acts like a camouflage. Their fur is soft, dense, and it grows extra-thick during winter which helps keep it warm. The colour of the fur is grey-white and they have black spots and rosettes. Height-wise, the Snow Leopards are 55-65cm (22-26 inches), length-wise they are 90-115cm (936-44 inches), and 100cm tall. Their weight is 60-120 pounds. The Snow Leopard has extra enormous paws that help it from sinking in the snow, its round ears minimize heat loss. The short, nasal cavity converts the air into warmer air before the Snow Leopard inhale the air into its lungs. Their tail helps it maintain balance plus keeps it warm during the Winter when the Snow Leopard wraps the tail around its body. The cats can jump up to 30 feet in one leap because of their strong, short, front limbs and longer hind limbs. Diet, and Habitat: Diet: Snow Leopards diet has a wide range. They eat bharal, yak, argali, birds, markhor, and domestic animals such as horses and camels. But leopards are strong enough to take prey as large as a yak. They also eat bharals, Siberian ibex, gorals, wild boars, red panda, pikas, marmots, langur, antelopes, pronghorns, chukar, blue sheep, rodents, snow cock, woolly hares, and deer. However, unlike other enormous cats, the Snow Leopard eats vegetation like grass to help cleanse itself. Habitat: The habitat of the Snow Leopards is the mountains of Central Asia Snow leopards live in the mountains of Central Asia. The range of their habitat covers about 2 million sq. km. The habitat extends through the range of 12 countries, i.e., Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Snow Leopards prefer cold/dry climate, with grasses and small shrubs, terrain of cliffs, rocky outcrops, and ravines. Behaviour: The Snow Leopard is a shy animal and hunt by themselves. They are active at dawn, and dusk, which means their activity is a crepuscular pattern. The snow leopards cover ranges over hundreds of square kilometres. Snow Leopards can make a similar sound to the other cats. They can purr, meow, hiss, and growl. However, they cannot growl because of the physiology of their throat and instead of a roar they make a non-aggressive sound called a ‘chuff’. There have been no recorded/verified snow leopard attack on humans. If they see a human, they are more likely to run away from the site. Mating: Snow Leopards communicate with one another by leaving markings or urinating against the rocks. This helps the Snow leopards develop a territory and identify their mates for mating. When the cubs are 2 years old, they leave their mother and live by themselves. Threats and Conservation efforts: Threats: Poaching of not only the Snow Leopards but also the poaching of their prey like the wild sheep and goat, which affects the populations of the snow leopard. Snow Leopards also face threats like illegal or unsustainable hunting. Also, some herders whose livelihood depends on herding domestic animals, kill Snow Leopards. The reason is that Snow Leopards hunt domestic animals. Losing a domestic animal can lead to economic/financial losses for herders and that’s why the herders kill Snow Leopards. Animal trade, mining, large-scale development are threats to the snow leopard population’s survival. Conservation Efforts: To curb the incidents of herders killing Snow Leopards, the Snow Leopard Trust have started Livestock insurance, and provided livestock vaccinations to help herders take care of their livestock. Also, the Snow Leopard Trust has taken steps such as predation prevention, Conservation Education, and Combatting Poaching to help improve Snow leopard populations and protect the herder’s livestock. Conservation Education helps in providing education about boosting the community-based conservation efforts, plus enthusing the next cohort of nature conservationists. Sources:

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Kea-The Kiwi Mountain Parrot

Kea-The Kiwi Mountain Parrot Kea-The Kiwi Mountain Parrot – Facts file  The Kea is a native Kiwi parrot found in the Southern Island of New Zealand. Its beak around 4.5cm-5cm long for males, while the female’s beak is 4-4.5cm long. Their wingspan is 1m in width and they are about 46cm long. A male Kea weighs 750g-1kg, whereas, the female Kea weighs 700-850g. Keas have a plumage of olive green, their nape and crown are yellow or green. Their abdomen and chest are green with a tinge of brown, while their tail is blueish green with a black tip. Their eye colour is brown and they have dark, brown patches around their eyes Their feet have 4 toes on each foot with two pointing forwards and backwards. Adult Keas have brown feet, while the younger ones/juveniles have yellow feet. Diet, habitat, predators, and behaviour. Diet: Their diet comprises leaf buds, roots, fruit, seeds, nectar, and insects. Their favourite food is the nectar of flax and coprosma.  Habitat: Keas live throughout alpine areas in the Southern Island of New Zealand. They build nests at sea level on the West Coast of the South Island, the Southern Alps and in the mountains of the South Island. Behaviour: Kea parrots are intelligent birds. Scientists from all over the world have come to Southern Island to conduct experiments on the Kea. The experiments involve tasks that aim at showing the intelligence levels of the Kea. Along with intelligence, they are noisy and can be pests. There have been cases where the Kea has broken tourists’ cars and vandalised lodges and houses. They like going to buildings whatever way they can. They use their beak for looking for food through rocks and other tough places like crevices. Mating occurs over a lifetime. The females lay 2-5 eggs per year in a burrow deep in the ground under a beech trees’ roots or large rock outcrop. The Male feeds the female during the incubation period. Incubation occurs for 1 month and Keas breed each year. Sexual maturity in the Keas occurs at around 3 years in females and 4-5 years in males. If predators like stouts (introduced species) and possums eat the Keas eggs, the female Kea can lay another batch of eggs if it is not too late in the season. When the chick is 1-month old, the male keas assist with their feeding. Male Keas mate with up to four females during the breeding season. After 10-13 weeks, the chicks can fledge. Threats and conservation efforts: Threats: There are threats to the Keas existence. Introduced mammalian predators, Lead in the Keas habitat is also a threat to Keas existence. Irresponsible 1080 pest control, Avian diseases, accidents, and illicit wildlife trade are other threats the Keas face to their existence. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies Keas as ‘Vulnerable’. Conservation Efforts: The pleasant news is that past New Zealand Government had implemented legislation and Projects to minimise the above threats. Under the Wildlife Protection Act, a person who kills a Kea can receive a heavy fine and face imprisonment. Projects are being developed to minimise the impact of each of these threats. Threat Mitigation Projects help in reducing the impact of the threats that Keas face.  The Kea Conservation Trust is a registered charitable trust that has helped in preserving the Keas populations in New Zealand. Kea-The Kiwi Mountain Parrot

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wolverine | Description, Habitat, Photos, & Facts

wolverine | Description, Habitat, Photos, & Facts Wolverine. Wolverines are the largest member of the weasel family. They live throughout the Arctic and Sub-Arctic. Wolverines are fearsome animals just like the Honey Badger. They are fearsome as they take on big animals like the moose. Their body includes a thick, hydrophobic, and oily fur which helps it resist the toughest of conditions. Hence, why it can survive in the harsh conditions of the Artic and Sub-Artic. There are two types of wolverine and i.e., the European Wolverine and the North-American Wolverine. There are about 15,000-30,000 Wolverines in the wild. Their body length is between 32-42 inches and their weight can be up to 70 pounds. Out of all mustelids, only the Sea Otter and the Giant Otter are larger than the Wolverine. Diet, Habitat, and Behaviour. Diet: Their diet involves scavenging on the corpses and prey of other animals. Wolverines are opportunistic eaters that feast on anything. They eat smaller prey like porcupines, beavers, squirrels, foxes, rabbits, voles, lemmings and mice to birds, bird eggs. They take on bigger prey like deer and moose if the prey appears to be injured. Plants, berries, and other veggies are just a small portion of their diet and they eat them in Summer. Habitat: Wolverines need a lot of room and live in different habitats. They can travel for up to 15 miles a day while searching for food. They visit boreal forests, taiga, and tundra in the northern latitudes of Europe, Asia, and North America. Behavior: Wolverines are excellent climbers and they rest in the evergreen trees of their homes. Their scavenging nature leads them to steal from hunting lodges. There are cases where they carry off guns, knives, clothes, blankets, cooking utensils, tools, and other items that they would not use. Like bears, the male Wolverines mark their territories with a scent. Females stay in the den and give birth to 2-3 young in late winter or early spring. The young ones live with their mums until they reach maturity, which is two years. Females have delayed implantation so the eggs stay around the uterus before they de-attach. The reason is to ensure that there is an abundance of food when the young is born, during January-April. Females produce one litter every 2-3 years. Threats and Conservation efforts: Threats: The major threats to Wolverine’s existence are loss/fragmentation of habitat, and hunting. As described earlier, the fur of Wolverines has qualities that help it survive. Poachers/Hunters see the Wolverine fur becomes beneficial and has a value in the market. Hunters also hunt wolverines for sport. These are the reasons their populations are declining. The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) assessment lists the Wolverines as ‘Least Concerning’. The IUCN’s European assessment lists the Wolverine as ‘Vulnerable’ in Europe. Conservation Efforts: Conservationists have tried to pass legislation that helps preserve the Wolverine populations. There have been efforts to include the Wolverine under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). WCS America has protected Wolverines in the U.S. and they have tried to push legislation that help protect the Wolverine from extinction in the U.S.

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Animal World, Mammals

Indian Sloth Bear Facts | India Wildlife Guide

Indian Sloth Bear Facts Indian Sloth bears are large mammals found in India. What makes these bears unique is their diet’s key source is insects. The estimated number of Sloth bears in the wild is less than 20,000. The body-length of the Indian Sloth Bear is between 5-6ft. Female Indian Sloth Bears weight is 175-310 pounds and the males weight is 120-210 pounds. Its tail is about 6-7 inches long, which is the longest tail in the bear family. Plus, its footprint is like a human’s footprint. Diet, Habitat, Predators, and Behaviour: Diet: The Indian Sloth Bears diet includes insects. Their sense of smell and their long, curved claws help them locate and rip the termite mounds. Termites are the Indian Sloth Bears favourite delicacy. Indian Sloth Bears also eat flowers, mangoes, jackfruits, sugar cane, honey, wood apples and other fruits, seeds. Habitat: They live in lowland forests and sometimes, and they live in tall, dense grasslands and a range of insect-rich habitats. They prefer living in areas with lower elevation and also dry forests. Predators: Humans, leopards, tigers and wolves are the major predators. Tigers, Leopards, and Wolves prey on the cubs. Behaviour: Most of them are nocturnal. The females are more active during the daytime so she can avoid predators preying on her young ones at night. Cubs and adults climb trees, however, the cubs do not climb the trees to avoid predators like other bear species. The cubs jump on their mother’s back while their mothers scare the predator/s away. These bears live in a warm climate and need not hibernate in winter like other bear species. The surprising thing is that these bears kill 12 people a year. Reproduction depends on the location and it can happen anytime in the year. The gestation period is around 9 months and their litters contain 2-3 cubs. Female sloth bears reproduce at different times of the year based upon their location. Once they mate, their gestation period is nine months long. The mother uses a cave or rock cavity so they can give birth with optimal safety. The cubs ride on their mums back for safety and quicker travel until they are about nine months old and they become independent when they are 2-3 years old. Threats and Conservation efforts: Threats: Use of bears for entertainment, deforestation, loss/fragmentation of habitat hunting, poaching, and other forms of human conflict are just some threats that the bear’s face. In the Dancing Bear Trade in India, the bears end up suffering from malnutrition. Poachers kill the bears to use their gall bladder for traditional eastern medicine. Some people still use them for entertainment despite bans being put in place in 1972 which prohibit the use of bears for entertainment. The IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List labels the Sloth Bear as a ‘Vulnerable’ species. Conservation efforts: Despite all the threats, there are efforts aimed at conserving the Indian Sloth Bear populations. Community-based incentives aim at planting more trees and protecting the bears’ habitat. Zoos help to preserve the Sloth Bear’s populations. In addition, the Wildlife SOS has saved 400 bears from the dancing bear business in India. The Wildlife SOS is a non-profit organisation that aims at conserving India’s natural resources. It also has rescue and rehabilitation centres that help the bears with recovery efforts.  Indian Sloth Bear Facts  -Sources:

multicoloured squirrel

Indian giant squirrel

Indian giant squirrel The Malabar Giant Squirrels (or Indian Giant Squirrel) are an endemic Indian species, found throughout India in places like the Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats and the Satpura Range in states such as Madhya Pradesh. Body length-wise, they are 20-25 cm, their tail around 45cm in length, and their weight from 1.5-2kg. They are two times the size of the Eastern Grey Squirrel.   Their colour tone is a one, two, or three-toned colour scheme. Its colours include white, creamy-beige, buff, tan, rust reddish-maroon, brown, dark brown, or black. The colours act as a camouflage to protect the squirrel from predators. Broadleaf habitats of the squirrels exhibit a “mosaic of sun flecks and dark, shaded areas” which is like the patterns of the Giant Malabar Indian Squirrel. The Malabar Giant Squirrels can leap up to 20 ft. and they can travel between close trees with limited effort. Their long and strong claws help them climb trees with ease. Their flexibility and cautious attitude help them avoid predators. Diet, Habitat, Predators, and Behaviour: Their diet includes consists of jackfruit native to India, other fruit, flowers, nuts, and tree bark. The omnivorous species eat insects, and sometimes, bird eggs.   Malabar Giant Squirrels live in the tropical evergreen forests of India. They are an upper-canopy dwelling species that stay in the treetop and rarely touch the ground. They make their nests on the nooks of the thinner branches or in tree holes.   The nests’ sizes are like that of eagle nests and consist of twigs and leaves. Some individuals and pairs of squirrels live in over one nest. They leap from one tree to another in search of food. These creatures have a quirky method of storing their food. Unlike other squirrels, the Malabar Giant Squirrel creates large caches of food high in the treetops. Predators include leopards, lion-tailed macaques, crested serpent eagles, other big cats, snakes, and other big birds of prey.   Their tail aids their balance while they roam on precarious branches. Malabar Giant Squirrels have a unique way of avoiding predators. They flatten themselves against a branch and utilise their unique colour pattern to make it look like they are apart of the tree. There is limited knowledge about the breeding and mating habits of these unique creatures. The only known aspect is that their litter can include one to three squirrels and that breeding occurs at any time of the year. Their lifespan in the wild is unknown. However, in captivity, the longest they have lived in 20 years.   Threats and conservation efforts: These wonderful creatures are facing many threats to their survival. Deforestation, hunting, fragmentation of their habitats and captivity as pets are just some threats that the Malabar Giant Squirrel faces. There are efforts being made to help conserve their populations, but they are difficult to look after due to certain behavioural traits. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of threatened species did a worldwide assessment on the species. The assessment confirmed that despite the decline, the squirrel’s numbers remain of “least concern” on the organization’s scale. Conservation efforts despite all the challenges are being made to help improve the Malabar Giant Squirrel’s population. Implementation of Wildlife Protection Acts and legislations that ban hunting and keeping them as pets, help preserve the Malabar Giant populations. Wildlife Parks and Zoos including the Rajiv Gandhi National Zoological Park in Pune are helping boost the population of the Malabar Giant Squirrel. These are just some conservation efforts being made to protect the Malabar Giant Squirrel.   Sources:

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