Beauty Tips and tricks From Our Moms

Beauty Tips and tricks From Our Moms

Amazing Beauty tips and tricks for our moms

Being a mother does not mean having to stop being a woman; that is, you should not lose the more personal and more feminine facet simply because there is a child to care for. It is true that from the first moment you have the baby in your arms, this becomes the top priority, but you should never stop pampering yourself.
Specifically, we must continue putting on makeup, enjoying our own hobbies, and applying the beauty treatments that are appropriate but, yes, adapting them to the needs and care of the child. Therefore, to be able to remain bright without it being a bad mother, nothing better than taking into account the following tips:

1-Use multipurpose beauty products

One of the most important changes that every woman experiences when she is a mother is the fact that her leisure time is reduced. And it is that the child, especially in the first months of life, requires almost 24 hours of care, so the mother does not have free hours to take care of herself as she would like.

For this reason, it is best to change your bag and opt for multi-purpose beauty products, that is, to perform two or more actions at the same time. In this way, you will not need so much time to apply creams or makeup, for example. Thus, in the market, some creams can be used both to hydrate the skin and to nourish it and also fight against aging.

2-Practice exercise

One of the keys to being fit, with enviable health and with a perfect image, is sports. However, moms have a hard time being able to practice it as much as they would like.
But you need to find space on your agenda to exercise, the one you like the most. For this reason, they can choose to ask their partners or relatives for help to stay with the baby while they go to the gym or go running.
All this without forgetting that they can also carry out daily actions that will allow them to be in shape: climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, taking the dog for a walk, getting off the subway or bus several stops before arriving at work, going to buy walking and not by car.

3-Adapt beauty routines

In the same way, the woman’s beauty routines must change when she has a child at home. And it is that the lack of time already mentioned does not allow her to spend several hours applying creams, putting on the dye, painting her nails, in that case, she must shorten those habits and how to do it?
Taking advantage of her quality as a woman of “being able to do several things at once.” Thus, for example, you can take advantage of the shower to epilate and exfoliate the skin as well and even let a mask act on your skin while doing any household chores.

4-Rest as much as possible

One of the golden rules to look radiant and beautiful is to rest properly. That maxim states that, per day, you have to sleep between 7 or 8 hours. However, that becomes impossible when you are a mother. And is that the dream is interrupted by the crying of the baby.
Therefore, when your child is sleeping, you should take the opportunity to do the same, that is, combine and reconcile your breaks with those of the child. It is vital that you prioritize your well-being to have the house in perfect order. And it is that if you rest as much as possible, you will not only look better, but you will be taking care of your own health.

5-Enjoy the small pleasures of life

To be beautiful and show off your image, you need to be happy. And to achieve this, you don’t need to enjoy great luxuries, but the small pleasures of life that are what really make sense of it. By this, we mean that the mother must do things that make her feel good, valuable, and lucky. Specifically, you can opt for alternatives such as these:

  • Play with your little one.
  • Hang out with your friends for coffee, dinner, or even party.
  • Have a romantic dinner with your partner.
  • Sing and tell a story to your child.
  • If you are passionate about literature, find a daily time to read.
  • Listen to music.
  • Go to the cinema or the theater in the company of your loved ones.
  • Enjoy family gatherings.


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