Fascinating Cat Puma
Fascinating Cat Puma Pumas: The Unique Cats of North and South America. Pumas are a fascinating cat species. These big cats possess many hunting skills and techniques. They live in different parts of the Americas, from the Yukon of Canada to the Southern Andes of South America. Pumas are the most spread out cat species in the Western Hemisphere. Characteristics of the Puma. Pumas are from the small cat’s family and do not get classified as big cats, even though some Pumas can match the size of the leopard. In terms of heaviness, the Puma is the fourth heaviest cat after the leopard, jaguar, and the tiger. The average weight of an adult Puma ranges from 50-82kg for males and 29-64kg for females. They are slender and agile and are 2.4m in height. Adult Pumas are slender and agile. Pumas have a round head, erect ears, five claws on each forepaw and four claws on each hind pawThe Puma has a spherical head and erect ears Pumas are apex predators, but they have threats. These threats are humans, bears, jaguars, and wolf packs. Threats occur when Pumas fight for the same food as other predators. Humans are threats to Pumas as they hunt Pumas for different reasons such as clothing and protecting farm animals. The behavior of Pumas and Preying Techniques: Pumas are territorial and like to live on their own. Females mark the areas with feces or urine. Area-wise, the community ranges from 150 to 1500 sq. km, i.e., 58-386 sq. miles. For prey, the Pumas stalk their prey before leaping onto their prey and give them a suffocating neck bite. What further assists the Pumas while preying, is their adjustable spine that helps them get through different hunting experiences. Pumas are vocal animals and use various vocal calls. These include low pitched hisses, growls, purrs, and screams. Pumas show incredible strength in dragging prey that is several times their weight. Pumas are sole hunters. They require room to hunt and wherever there is a sufficient food supply; they stay in that place. Other features of Pumas: The Pumas are such fascinating creatures. One article cannot cover the awe associated with the Puma. Pumas can run at speeds of 40-50 MP/hr, i.e., 64-80 km/hr, and they can jump as high as 15 feet (4.6m). However, they prefer running in short sprints rather than long chases. Not only can they run at a searing speed, Pumas are athletic animals that also can swim and climb. Pumas can be pests for ranchers and farmers, but they have an important role in the environment. Pumas keep the populations of animals lower on the food chain in checks, such as rabbits and mules. If animals that are lower on the food chain have population growths and are unchecked, then the farmer’s crops may get overrun leading to numerous problems and the environment.