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How to Start a Business Presentation
Business, Latest

How to Start a Business Presentation

As a child, I enjoyed watching Sesame Street. It was a Muppet-style puppet show on American television. For us kids, each episode had some important learning lessons, but we liked the show for its colour, fun, and songs. The ABC song at the end was one of my favourites. “Now that I know my ABCs, will you sing with me the next time?” This music now constantly reminds me of ABCD presentations. A brilliant mnemonic for getting the opening few minutes of any presentation off to a strong start and instilling confidence in you. A stands for Attention, B stands for Benefits, C stands for Credibility, and D stands for Direction. Attention “Because I’m not used to giving public speeches…” “Greetings, my name is Paul Archer…” “All right, shall we begin?” What are these three things in common? Of course, they are dull, listless, and utterly uninteresting presentation starters. Your first aim should be to grab your audience’s attention, especially if you’re selling and speaking at the same time. We don’t have the luxury of time, therefore we must capture their attention right away. It will assist if you have gone around the audience beforehand and done some research on the folks in front of you. This gives you some ideas for the type of attention grabber you should use. I’m not suggesting you tell a joke. Maybe you could make it a suicide joke to show your humility and avoid embarrassment. Distribute the offer. There are many of them on the internet, and one of them might fit the bill. Tell a narrative or use a metaphor that relates to the major topics. Input a search query. Invitation to action This is the date in history. Log in to the History Channel website on a daily basis and sign up for the email service. It’s fantastic because it provides you with something historical to read about every day. Perhaps you could link to it. Advantages Once you’ve caught their attention, tease them with some of the primary advantages or advantages they’ll gain from listening and possibly betting action. It may seem apparent to you, but we must consider our audience. WIIFM. What is the benefit to me? Consider putting yourself in their place and sharing some of the rewards. They may provide you with a competitive advantage. Enough to engage, thrill, and entice others to want to hear more. Credibility If the audience has never met you before, it is critical that you complete this portion. In a more formal situation, the Master of Ceremonies may introduce you and assist you to establish credibility. Most corporate presentations, particularly sales events or “beauty shows,” require you to establish your credibility. Don’t go overboard. Don’t fall into the trap of giving them everything about yourself, your background, and your credentials. Instead, use an assurance statement. This statement should include your name, experience in the customer’s industry or sector, and experience solving challenges comparable to your customer’s. “My name is Paul Archer, and I’ve been assisting salesmen all around the world in obtaining their bonuses for nearly 20 years.” I’ve spent the previous two years assisting businesses like yours in obtaining higher closure rates from their key accounts.” ” Direction I enjoy taking road vacations with my three children. My wife and I suspect she’d be the first to ask, “Are we there yet, dad?” My wife is typically the victor. So I say, “Not yet, Euan, we just passed Winchester and will be in Nanas in half an hour.” And they’re content for the next few kilometres. Someone gave me excellent advice last week to aid with this difficult task. Tell them where you are and how long you will be driving. “Hey guys, we just drove through Stonehenge. What’s that to your right? We’ll be at Nana’s in 20 minutes, just in time for ice cream.” We’ve never looked back on this tip, and you may apply it in your presentations as well. Give them specific instructions. There is no agenda. These are intended for books. Pointers are needed in presentations to show where you’re headed. The audience must be reminded of where they came from and where they are going next at each intersection. The greatest analogy is one of those TV real estate shows. Phil and Kirsty’s rendition of “Location, Location, Location” is my personal favourite. Kirsty briefly reviews the important points we’ve covered thus far and teases what you’ll see after the break, just in time for the commercial break. This not only gives you a clear direction, but it also entices you to return after a short gap. When you return from the break, Phil takes over and reminds you of what they were doing before the break before enticing you to continue with the key benefits of the next 15 minutes. Excellent material that should be repeated throughout your speeches. To indicate the direction and then continue pointing to the end. And, as you get closer to the end, summarise each of your important arguments, remembering the power of three – three primary points at most. Invite questions; never finish the questions and answers because you will exit like a wet octopus if there are no questions. Respond to the questions, then restate your objective and purpose before concluding with a call to action. With the finish line in sight: A sign that the end is near Each of your main points should be summarised. Ask questions: it doesn’t end with Q&A. Restate the overall goal and purpose. Call to action – final completion And now you understand your ABCs…and D. When you next sing with me…

Home & Garden, Latest Now

Add Gazebos to your Elegance garden

Add Gazebos and Make your Garden Elegance and Romance If you were to sit down and think about what would be a good addition to your garden, gazebos would probably be the first thing that comes to mind. Gazebos speak to us of enchantment and romance so much that they are often the focal point of the garden. In some cases, if you have larger gazebos, they usually become a venue for garden weddings and other events. You can also see gazebos strategically placed in public places like parks and courtyards, where they serve as shelters from the rain and rest stops when you are tired of walking. If you want to put gazebos in your house, the first choice would be your deck, patio or garden/yard. Gazebos can be placed on a deck or patio either as a stand-alone structure or as part of an ensemble and attached to a wall. When you place the gazebo in the garden or yard, you have more design options around the gazebo. You can play around with landscaping to get the best ideas for your gazebo. If you are near the waterfront, you may prefer to place the gazebo there for a better view and a better breeze. When choosing a gazebo, you need to think about the material, shape and size. Most gazebos are built from wood because they respond well to harsh weather conditions. However, modern gazebos can also be made of vinyl, which is stronger and more durable than wood. Gazebos can take many forms. The most popular shape is octagonal, although you can often see rectangular, oval, hexagonal and dodecagonal gazebos. The size of your gazebo will depend on how much space you have in your garden. You want it to take up no more than 50% of your space so it looks nice in your garden. Gazebos are available for purchase at most outdoor furniture stores. They come in assembly kits that you can make yourself if you’re confident in your assembling skills. If your carpentry skills are above average, you can choose to build the gazebos yourself, in which case you really have control over how you want the gazebos to look. If that’s not possible, go ahead and find someone with the necessary skills and expertise. You can work with this person to get exactly what you are looking for.  

Golden Wattle

Golden Wattle: The Australian national floral emblem

Golden Wattle: The Australian national floral emblem and its unique background Australia’s wide range of fauna captivates locals’ or foreigners’ imaginations. The land down under has 24,000 native flora species in its abundance. One popular Australian flora species is the national flower of Australia, i.e., the Golden Wattle. It is the national floral emblem of Australia. This beautiful flora species blossoms in the Australian Spring, which begins in September. The Golden Wattle comprises large, golden ball-shaped flowers that have bright-green sickle-shaped phyllodes that grow up to 14cm. The Golden Wattle can be a medium shrub of 4-8 metres or a small tree that is 10cm high. Australia’s national floral emblem is present in the Eastern Australian states of New South Wales, and Victoria, and the Southern state of South Australia. It grows at exceptional speed in a well-drained, sunny position, plus it is frost hardy and it will tolerate frosts up to -7 degrees and can tolerate droughts. The Golden Wattle became the floral emblem of Australia in 1988. September 1, also known as Wattle Day, represents a new beginning as it is the 1st day of Spring. People have celebrated Wattle Day since 1899, before Australia became a federation. The flower represents fresh growth, renewal, and a fresh beginning. The Golden Wattle is a part of the largest group of trees and shrubs in Australia, known as the Acacia genus. Golden Wattles are found in a wide range of habitats and regions across Australia. The Golden Wattles grow fast but live for a short time period, that does not mean that they do not have any benefits. They are useful in establishing a garden, providing water, and providing protection from roaming animals. Australia’s indigenous people have used Golden Wattle trees and other wattles for food, medicine, weaponry, musical instruments, glues, dyes, perfumes, and ceremonial decoration.   By Neel

Animal World, Latest Now, Mammals

Hippopotamus: Africa’s most dangerous animal.

Hippopotamus, also known as Hippo, is a big, amphibious land mammal and is Africa’s most dangerous animal. Hippos have killed more humans than even lions have in Africa in recent times. They have killed 3000 people a year in Africa. The Hippo can even outrun humans, and those powerful jaws can strike with such power and force that either permanent injury or sometimes, death, might occur. Their bite force is 1,825 psi (pound per square inch), which is one of the largest in the world amongst the animal species. You don’t want to get in the way of these river giants. Even crocodiles fear hippos. Hippos are very territorial and they will give an intruder two warnings before they lose their temper and attack the intruder with their powerful jaws.  Features of the hippo: Hippos have a large round body with four stumpy legs and a huge head. They are brown with pink underparts. Height-wise, they can stand up to a height of 5 foot and 2 inches, i.e., 1.6m, and 3.3-5m in length. Weight-wise the male weighs on average, about 1600-4500kg, while a female weighs on average about 1400kg. Their teeth can grow up to 1m in length. Diet, habitat, and behaviour. As mentioned earlier, hippos are herbivores, however, in recent years, more particularly, in 2015, there were sightings of hippos scavenging on carcasses, including that of other hippos. Hippos live in groups called bloats and are very social. Hippos live in Sub-Saharan Africa and are amphibious animals that spend most of their time submerged in the rivers to avoid the hot African sun. Bloats of hippos consist of 30-200 individual hippos. Threats to population’s existence. Hunting, deforestation, loss of habitat, and constant conflict with humans.

How to Start a Keto Diet Plan
DIET, LifeStyle

How to Start a Keto Diet Plan

  The keto diet program is a high-fibre, high-fibre, and potassium diet that is commonly used in medical circles especially to treat pediatric epilepsy in very young children. A keto diet forces your body to use fat instead of glucose for energy. This results in reduced appetite and allows you to stick to a balanced diet even when you are very hungry. It can be done by anyone, whether you have had heart or kidney disease or diabetes in the past. The keto diet plan is not designed to control long-term weight loss, as it puts too much emphasis on fat. The ketogenic diet pyramid is based on a variety of different carbohydrate and protein foods. Many people do not like the idea of ​​eliminating carbohydrates from their diet and prefer to focus on protein, so the use of VERY IMPORTANT carbohydrates is often overlooked during the process. By eliminating certain carbohydrates you can easily get ketosis easily, however, this may be difficult at first as your body becomes accustomed to the lack of carbohydrates you have been eating. Many experts agree that the best way to start a keto diet is to eat vegetables and lean meats. Eating more protein than vegetables (like lean meat and poultry) helps to increase your body to burn fat faster after you stop eating carbohydrates, which helps you stick to your diet. Peanuts and avocados are good vegetables to eat and because they are rich in unsaturated mono-essential oils they are essential for maintaining good health and not being burned by the liver. The benefits of eating a lot of protein include muscle building, better digestion, and increased fitness. Nuts and avocados provide protein, which provides many of the essential amino acids in the body, and they contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which are easily digested by the liver, allowing them to enter the bloodstream quickly. The benefits of eating more carbs are the ability to control blood sugar, which can also help people to lose weight. However, these carbohydrates should only be consumed in small amounts and should be an addition to your diet. Eating too many carbohydrates can cause constipation, constipation, diarrhea, and even insomnia. If you have ever had problems with these symptoms before starting a keto diet plan, you may want to reduce your carbs intake. As you learn more about how to start a keto diet plan, you will find the best sources of protein for cheese, eggs, and chicken. Eggs are a popular source of protein and can be found almost anywhere. Chicken is one of the most popular foods and can be found almost anywhere. Both of these animals are cut to the weak flesh, making them a great source of protein. The most important thing is to make sure you get enough protein in your diet, as this will help your muscles to grow and build new tissue. Now that you know how to start a keto diet plan, the next step is to get your diet menu together. You will need a detailed list of what you will eat each day. Include any vitamins and supplements you may need, as well as any special medications or instructions your doctor prescribes. It is a good idea to keep a diary of food so that you can track what you eat each day. This way you can be sure that you do not get junk food and eat real food.

Latest Now, Stories

Katanas: The famous Japanese Sumarai sword with a deep history

Katanas: The famous Japanese Sumarai sword with a deep history and huge importance in Japanese culture.   Weapons, especially blades and swords, have been a big part of the history of many nations. Many battles, wars and victories have involved the use of weapons. A lot of countries in the world have gone through some sort of battle. Weapons have been a part of the entertainment, including cinema, classic movies, serials, and even cartoons. One weapon that has history and is popular in certain action-based movies or cartoons is the Katana. The first time I heard about the Katana was from the classic cartoon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Leo, who wore a blue bandana, used katanas as his choice of weapon whenever he or the Turtles went up against their enemies like the Shredder or any other enemy.  The Katana is a Japanese Samurai sword that is razor sharp and considered one of the deadliest weapons in history. Katanas, also known as Samurai swords, are a single-edged, curved blade, 60cm in length, with a circular or squared guard and a long grip.  Katanas represented rank, position and honor in Japanese society. One would find it difficult to see a Samurai without a katana at their disposal. Even while wearing everyday clothing, Samurais would have a katana with them, as it meant a lot to them. Its significance was immense to a Samurai. The bond between the katana and the Samurai was sacred. There was a link between the katana and the soul of the Samurai. One would only use the katana as a last resort in order to defend themselves, a nobleman or a family member. In Shintoist scriptures, the swords are one of three ancient Shinto relics. According to ancient scriptures, the Shinto storm God, Susanoo, killed a giant serpent named Yamato-no-Orochi (aka Koshi), as the creature was wreaking havoc throughout the province of Izumo. Susanoo used a weapon similar to the katana. The katanas also feature in Japanese Mythology tales like Kojiki by Ono Yasumaro. There are also mentions of the katana during the Kamakura period between 1185-1333. The weapons manufactured by Japanese swordsmiths aimed at providing better weapons in aiding the fight against the invaders, in particular, the Mongols. The Japanese used tachi blades, which would often chip whenever they came in contact with the Mongol armor. hence, the Japanese swordsmiths created the katana, which was much stronger than the Tachi. During that time, only samurais, police, and the military could use katanas. These restrictions forced the Japanese swordsmiths to creating farming equipments to generate income and make a living. However, there was a boom in the manufacture of modern katana. The modern katanas are of a lower quality sword to its predecessor because of the methods and non-Japanese materials used to manufacture the modern katana. One positive of the modern katana is that Japan and countries all over the world are producing the katana to keep up with the current demand. The katanas are seeing a renaissance in modern times. We will see how long that renaissance lasts for and how productive will it be for the public.

The Waratah
Home & Garden, Latest Now

The Waratah: Australia’s iconic fauna

Australia as a continent and a nation is home to a wide variety of unique flora and fauna. A vast number of Australia’s flora and fauna is endemic to the land called “Down Under”. Australia’s landscape is vast as well and maybe that might be a factor in why Australia has such a vast range of flora and fauna. One such flora that is endemic to Australia is the Waratah. The Waratah is a beautiful bush flower that is found in the East and South-Eastern parts of Australia. It grows up to 3m in height, and although it looks like one flower, it comprises many flowers that form one head that is 6-15cm in diameter. It’s found in the Eastern state of New South Wales, and in Victoria and Tasmania. The Waratah is the emblem of New South Wales. At one stage, the Waratah was in consideration for the national floral emblem of Australia, however, that title went to the Wattle. There are five different Waratahs in the Australian wildlife, including the NSW Waratah, Gibraltar Range Waratah, the Monga Waratah, the Victorian Waratah, and the Tasmanian Waratah. The NSW and Monga Waratahs have three types of hybrids including, Braidwood Brilliant, Corroboree, and Erinundra White. NSW Waratah has a white variation called the Wirrimbirra White, but it’s challenging to cultivate. The difficulty in cultivating the white variation of the NSW Waratah means it’s difficult to reproduce. It also makes the white variation of an NSW Waratah a rare variation of the Waratah. In terms of soil, climate, light, and growing conditions, like other flora, the Waratah requires certain factors for it to grow. Soil-wise, the Waratah requires well-drained soils. Soils of a sandy and acidic earth nature are ideal for the Waratah’s growth. The Waratah prefers partial shade in the morning, but it does also grow with a full sun around. However, it is best to have waratahs in a place where it’s not exposed to the harmful afternoon sunlight rays. Also, avoid planting them near any eucalyptus plants as they are not ideal companion plants. It grows best in moderate and temperate climates as they endure frost well.  The Waratah is a beautiful Australian flora that has a unique history and the indigenous Australians used it as medication, and have it in their artwork. European settlers also have artworks, in particular, paintings of the Waratah depicted in it. The Waratah is a lovely-looking plant that has distinct features. Author Neel

5 Delicious Ways To Make Your Dukan Diet Recipes
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5 Delicious Ways To Make Your Dukan Diet Recipes

5 Delicious Ways To Make Your Dukan Diet Menu And Recipes Taste Amazing Eating unhealthy, unpleasant foods is not a good idea if you can avoid it. Some people make the mistake of thinking that the Dukan diet should be hard, that if it is easy then it will not be good. Nothing could be further from the truth! You do not have to starve yourself to lose weight and you do not have to eat boring, empty, and junk food. In this article, I will look at five foods to add delicious flavours to your Dukan food menu. 1. Mustard and horseradish You can add instant flavour to your diet by adding a little mustard. Both French and English dishes are allowed in all categories of Dukan cuisine. Horseradish adds its unique warmth to the meat and is also allowed during all stages. If you like Japanese food, wasabi, a type of horseradish sauce, and ginger are both allowed. These go well with fish, which is why they are often served with sushi. 2. Vinegar You can have all kinds of vinegar that you can use as a condiment. The most delicious vinegar, in my opinion at least, is balsamic vinegar. This adds a sweet and sour taste to salads and meat. You can add vinegar to the diet for all food categories. 3. Gherkins and chopped onions Crushed gherkins and onions dipped in saltwater can be added to your diet to make it more palatable and crunchy. You can add these, which are considered condiments, during the Attack phase but if you eat too much you should consider them vegetarian and eat only on the day of protein and vegetables. 4. Sweets You are not allowed to add extra sugar during the Dukan meal. However, if you have good teeth and would like to make delicious desserts or you like to drink sugar in your tea and coffee then you are allowed to change sugar instead of sugar. Sweeteners can be used in all food categories. 5. Vanilla and cinnamon Vanilla can be added to your diet from vanilla pods or vanilla essence. Pods are expensive but a few drops of vanilla essence will cost you a cent. At a pleasant temperature rather than enjoying the sweet or savoury dishes, cinnamon is an important addition to the Dukan diet. For a delicious meal, add half a pint of whipped milk, and a few drops of vanilla essence and add sugar to taste. You can enjoy one of these milk a day, even in the Attack Phase.

Wall Decals
Home & Garden, Latest Now

Wall Decals: An Expert Overview of Home Decor Stickers

  In fact, having a special home decoration for your room is a surefire way to enhance your morals and be happier than before. Among all the other possibilities, the use of murals is a rapidly growing trend in many homes today. Here, you will find a general overview of what the product is about and the reasons why you should take it home. Wall Decal Explained In simple terms, a wall decal, also called a wall sticker, is a vinyl piece of peel-and-stick or something like matte paper that comes with a specific design, pattern, or pattern; and it is often used to decorate the wall of a room to have a good look or aesthetic appeal. Available Categories Wall decals come in a variety of sizes, designs, and patterns. Typically, each type is named after its design, pattern or image feature in the product. So, some of the categories that can be found on the market include flowers, children, Star Wars, Spiderman, monogram, Disney, autos, heroes, cosmos, and buildings. Also, available patterns include motifs, coloured dots, and silhouettes. Choice When buying wall decals, you need to consider the theme you would like to give to your room. Remember that your environment affects your mood. Therefore, try to choose a style that will not only complement the painting on the wall but also reflect your interest and personality. As a result, you can feel comfortable and happy with your room whenever your attention is drawn to the decorative elements. Therefore, the type of product category you would like to use should be tailored to your preferences. For example, if you like flowers, you can use ‘flower wall paintings’ to accentuate your room. Apps There are a number of ways that people can use wall stickers, and these include the following: * Home: you can accentuate your wall to make your room more attractive. * School/college: as a student, you can use the product to make your bed space your own. * Office: A wall mural depicting the type of work in the workplace can add extra life to the environment. * Playrooms: in this case, decorative elements can serve as toys / educational toys. You can use removable decals with names, birds, animals, and other common objects to make kids active and happy. Benefits The use of murals has several advantages, and these include the following: *, Unlike wallpapers, they can be removed without damaging the wall and its painting. It is easy to remove and reposition a wallpaper if you would like to add it to another part of your wall. * They can add a personal touch and distinction to the interior decoration as everything will reflect your true lifestyle. They offer your creative talk and your own world. * They offer a beautiful attraction that can take care of boredom. In many cases, wall decals speak to a view that you can see. * They are very affordable. * Compared to wall posters, they come with high quality and durability. * They make great gifts for your loved ones. Without a doubt, the use of wallpaper will definitely add to the beauty of your room, and your accent wall will be the focus of your attention. Once you know the type you want, you can continue to search the net for a reliable store that offers the best deals based on your budget.

Food, Latest Now

Salsa Dip: The history of the popular dip

Regardless of race, religion, creed or colour, food can bring people together. Most people love a good feed and that too with unique flavours and some variety, whether that be food types, texture, colour or even types/categories of food. There are unique dishes, treats, drinks, and other delicacies in each country. The salsa dip has its roots in Central and South America. It goes back to other civilizations and an empire.  History/roots of the Salsa dip. The Maya civilization lasted over 3000 years. The Aztec Empire lasted for almost 100 years, while the Incas civilization lasted for over 100 years. There is one thing in common between the Aztec Empire and the Maya civilization. The salsa dip’s roots go back to the Maya civilization and both the Aztec Empire and the Inca Empire. Prior to the discovery of salsa mix in the early 1500s, Central Americans had been using their salsa mix for many centuries. A Franciscan missionary named Bernardino de Sahagun remained in New Spain, aka Mexico, remained in Mexico from 1529 onwards, and spent the rest of his life over there. He wrote a book called “Florentine Codex”, in which he did extensive scholarly work. The book contained details about the life of the Aztecs before the fall of the Aztec Empire in the early 1500s when Hernando Cortes conquered it. In the Florentine Codex, de Sahagun pointed out some ingredients used in the Aztec food, which are like the ingredients used in the modern-day salsa dips. The Spread of Salsa outside Central America. The Salsa mixes didn’t spread outside of Central America until the Spaniards conquered Mexico. The priest from Spain gave the name Salsa to the sauce. The word salsa means sauce in Spanish. Old-school and new-age ingredients make up salsa dips. The demand for spicy food increased in the 1800s as the popularity of the sauce grew. In the South-Western US state of Texas and other regions in the Southern-Western U.S.A. Salsa is so popular in the US that people don’t consider it an ethnic food.  Author Neel

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