Author name: Magazineup

Writer's Corner

Another birthday without you Daddy

They say misery is easier to endure as time goes by, But that doesn’t stop me from deliberating why? I was only twelve years old When mum told me had you died. I didn’t fully know what it meant. I felt traumatized, but I still cried. I didn’t know how immense a hole your passing would leave. I didn’t realize how much loneliness I was about to sense. Daddy, I stopped celebrating my birthday anymore It’s supposed to be a happy day. A celebration of my life Daddy, I loved you my whole life and life without you is really no life at all. Today of all days, I miss you more than I think I can even bear. There are no remedies To a difficulty like this, So I’ll relish your memory, And grieve the years we’ll miss. Just one last chance, I wish I could get to hug you. Then I would hold you tight. I don’t want to you let go. I miss you, daddy. One day I hope we gather up again. You will endure in my heart until then. You left me with the gift of love. Your star is always splendid for me from above. By Rinrainbow

Domestic Violence
Latest Now, Save Our Community

Domestic Violence: The Fact Behind The Myths

One of the most frequent offences of the assault variety today is domestic violence. Everyone appears to be familiar with someone who has experienced or is currently experiencing domestic violence. They could also be or have been a victim themselves. Unfortunately, there are many beliefs about domestic violence that are blatantly false. Family and domestic violence can be denote to any performance that is violent, threatening, controlling or has the target of making you or your family feel terrified and unsafe. This includes any conduct that is designed to. What exactly are acts of violence committed within the home? Within the context of an intimate partner relationship, domestic violence can take many forms, including physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, economic violence, psychological violence, and technological violence. It can also take the form of threats of violence or other patterns of coercive behaviour. I’ll talk about a few of those misconceptions in this essay and try to dispel them. Domestic abusers are really violent individuals. Despite the fact that some domestic abusers are quite aggressive individuals,they are actually a minority. The majority of the domestic abusers we detained did not resist or engage in combat with us. Why? Because domestic abuse is about control rather than violence. Although physical violence is used to enforce the abuser’s power over the victim, control is still the overarching goal. They understand they won’t succeed in taking power, which is why they won’t engage in combat with the police. If you are in immediate danger, call 000 for Police and Ambulance help if you are in immediate danger. Another scenario is where the abuser is at work and is asked to do something he may not want to do by his superior, who may even be a woman. Because he lacks control, he refrains from beating the superior. But at home, in private, he demands and seizes power. Many people find it difficult to comprehend this idea. I’ve highlighted a few typical control issues seen in domestic abusers to help illustrate this better. *Pursuing the victim’s activities in great detail. *Separating the victim from friends or family. *Preventing the person from leaving the house, going to school, working, or joining groups. *Accusing the victim of being unfaithful on a regular basis. *Insulting or degrading the victim *Controlling all financial matters and making the victim give a thorough accounting of their spending. *Destroying precious or intimate items. *Stating they’ll never see the kids again or threatening to flee with them. *As you can see, control is the root cause of domestic violence. Actually, this kind of behaviour does considerably more psychological harm than true physical violence. “Only the poor experience domestic violence. “Domestic violence knows no limitations and distresses people of all socioeconomic levels. In one of my cases, the domestic abuser was a well-educated man who had a six-figure salary. His victim, a well-educated woman who used to live with him, earned a respectable living for herself. They both had respectable occupations and resided in a pricey condos. She was admitted to the hospital with a closed head injury because he had severely beaten her. When we spoke with her later, she said she couldn’t believe she was in this predicament. She claimed that the person who was abusing her was a white-collar worker who outwardly seemed like a harmless nerd. Her buddies actually didn’t think he was capable of doing this. We were summoned back to the house a few days later to serve as peace officers while the woman packed up her belongings and left. I saw that she was trembling the entire time we were there. She was petrified that her batterer might return and harm her there. Despite the fact that she had two police officers with her at all times, this occurred (remember this was many days later). Sad to say, but maybe with her departure, this will be the last time she was assaulted. In case you were wondering, yes, he was detained. “Alcohol drug abuse, stress, and mental disease cause domestic violence” This is untrue, but it is a typical defence used by abusers to justify their behaviour, and regrettably, many victims accept it. Stress, drug usage, and excessive alcohol use do not create domestic violence; they may contribute to it, but they do not cause the violence itself. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE – ASK FOR HELP NOW OR CALL 000 Domestic violence is a husband and wife’s private issue. Domestic abuse affects many more people than simply the two direct victims. Take a look at a child who witnesses horrific abuse every day. Visit that youngster again in around 10 to 15 years to observe who they have grown into. They will probably turn into domestic abusers themselves if they are male. If they are female, they will probably end up being victims of domestic abuse. Why? It’s a learned behaviour because they grew up in this atmosphere and consider it to be the norm for people to act in this way. It takes a highly resilient individual to leave that kind of atmosphere and avoid letting it influence their adult lives. Domestic abuse is something that a youngster who witnesses it will never forget. “She would just go if it were that horrible.” It’s not always simple to leave a situation of domestic violence. Children are frequently involved, and the victim may not have the resources to maintain herself. Additionally, they could worry that if they leave, someone will kill them. Some victims of abuse simply won’t leave their abuser, as bizarre as it may sound. I can think of numerous occasions when we’ve detained an abuser, and the next morning the victim is pleading with us to let him go and changing her narrative. This is one of the reasons that several states have amended their laws. The state now brings charges against the domestic abuser, not the victim. I am able to alter him The worst idea is this one. Anyone who believes this should

A poem for Queen Elizabeth
Writer's Corner

A poem for Queen Elizabeth II

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She may snipe me with her glorious words, she may cut me with her graceful eyes, she encouraged incalculable peoples showed her infinite amorous inclination. She walked in her magnificent way. She showed her gratitude toward the world She is the one who restructured a nation. Her beauty that majestic shines And her dearest which doth intensifies us. She is an emblem of supremacy and vigour. She is sitting on our throne of core, We broke thousand times, and She is the one who fabricated it again. She sacrificed her life for royalty She helped people bloom like flowers. She had giant responsibility on her hand And she was always ready to take any step. Now she is sleeping in a blossoming field On the golden pasture between lavenders But you eternally be our queen of Heart You are the real gem of our world. We want to thank you for being our Majesty For all that she has been! She died with the power of humanity. She was Britain’s retentive regnant sovereign ever Our generations have seen her novelty as loyal and peaceful. She was our Mother of the Nations. Queen Elizabeth  II will be memorized as a prodigious portrait of history who served with kindness, grandeur and courage. BY rinrainbow

The Rhythm of Rain
Writer's Corner

The Rhythm of Rain

Walking with the splash of sadness Thunder screams out my name. And I can hear the rhythm of Rain with A breeze of sweet emotions Trying to hide my misery from the darkness But the rain just poured me. I am standing with my broken pieces, Rain, you wrapped my bitter tears in your blanket. Your Mixed love is just falling on my face, Thunder spark, but I am still here to feel your adoration Rain, please hide me from the mass world. The shade of clouds are shedding tears of my lost But Rain, I can still feel Your rhythmic beat is in my core. My soul is a sage moan and mixed with mournful rain. This drop of Rain just rifling my destiny And Wind just blew My fate is somewhere. Rain, can you express This pain in my heart? Tell everyone that my scream has become thunder. And drench me with some hope. I am lost here in the crowd Rain, please hold me tight with you The words my thoughts have come and stuck on my lips Sorrow just pushed me in deeper. I want to express myself with a pouring of sadness. I want to close my eyes. And feel your rainy rhythm of Happiness. By Rinrainbow

Microsoft Power BI for Data Scientists
Latest, Technology

Microsoft Power BI for Data Scientists

Five Significant Advantages of Microsoft Power BI for Data Scientists It is impossible to exaggerate the value of IT and the internet in business. Businesses from all industries rely on the internet, and they utilise a variety of software applications more and more frequently. But these technologies are also developing with time. Businesses must utilise specialised apps since they handle enormous amounts of data. Solutions for corporate intelligence and data visualisation are therefore highly sought after. To address their needs, thousands of businesses use BI tools like Microsoft Power BI. Why Do Businesses Pick Microsoft Power BI Solutions? Specialized solutions like Power BI are used by companies across numerous industries for a number of purposes. With the aid of these technologies, they may quickly identify future market trends. Businesses can use the robust data analytics capabilities of Power BI to evaluate the viability of their strategies. Using these programmes, they can analyse data and carry out predictive analyses. This helps them while deciding on important corporate decisions. When BI technologies are used, Guest Posting it is easier to understand customer preferences. Businesses can identify outperformance and output nuances by using these technologies. They can figure out, among other things, where departments are functioning poorly and where sales are low. Achieving these objectives is easy with a robust BI tool like Microsoft Power BI. However, you will need to work with skilled power bi consulting services if you want to make the most of the instrument. Why should Power BI be your main business intelligence tool? Despite the existence of rival BI solutions, Power BI continues to be a favourite among numerous businesses worldwide. There are many reasons for its dominance in this field. The ease of use of Power BI is unquestionably superior to those of other BI products. Although the programme is extremely complex, the user interface is simple. Additionally, it is highly customizable. You should be able to start using a BI tool even if you’ve never done it previously. Most users get used to it without any trouble. It has an easy-to-use interface that is simple to operate. You won’t need any previous programming experience. On the other hand, the sophisticated features will demand the assistance of a skilled Microsoft Power BI developer. Excellent Integration: Since most businesses that deploy BI solutions also use a variety of other programmes, the BI tool needs to be able to communicate with both those applications and cloud services. In this category, Power BI wins out. It works with many Microsoft applications and cloud services. Additionally, it is compatible with numerous third-party databases and software programmes. This facilitates the import of data from many sources. When adopting Power BI, businesses don’t have to worry about application support. Comprehensive Data Visualization Skills: Simply analysing enormous volumes of data is not enough. A BI solution should have sufficient data visualisation capabilities to enable the creation of visually appealing reports using the studied data. There are numerous data visualisation components and functions included with Power BI. It has a tonne of maps, graphs, and charts, and you can use pictures and other material as well. In addition to reaching the intended audience, this enables users to make the best use of the data. Easy Report Creation and Sharing: Your business needs to produce insightful reports that can be distributed around the entire workforce after analysing a sizable amount of data from numerous sources. Power BI makes it super easy and simple to create reports. You may quickly build aesthetically stunning reports using its built-in capabilities. Other users can access the generated reports in a variety of forms. Even those who don’t use Power BI can get these reports. For instance, reports can be exported in PPT format. The Flexibility of Employ: You’re mistaken if you believe that only MNCs and technology behemoths use BI solutions like Power BI. Power BI is, in fact, suitable for usage by organisations of various sizes and types. Choose the free edition, which offers a tonne of features, if your firm is new or expanding. For consumers with large budgets, there exist cloud services with license-based models. Also can be downloaded from the mobile app. The variety of applications is therefore very broad. Corporate clients of Power Bi Professional vouch for it. Powerful Solution: Spreadsheet programmes can also be used to carry out many of the tasks that Power BI handles. But when it comes to raw processing power and the effective use of computational resources, Power BI excels in the competition. Processing time for large data sets can be accelerated. There won’t be any observable lag while compressing or decompressing the volume of data. It connects to supported data sources without a hitch, and automated data synchronisation gathers data at predetermined intervals. The security of the data must be maintained while using a BI tool that interacts with a lot of data. The good news is that Power BI has data security features built right in. As an illustration, user authentication is included in AAD. Power BI is still the most widely used product for business intelligence and data visualisation for a variety of other reasons. It benefits from regular updates, resources, and a straightforward yet powerful query (natural language query engine) functionality.

Blue Nature Documentary Film YouTube Thumbnail 1080 x 720 px 20
Latest Now, Photographers Corner

Five Things Your Wedding Photographer MUST Offer

Choosing your wedding photographer based on these five characteristics will help you have the wedding of your dreams. Make sure your photographer has all five. Then you can relax and feel confident the love, special moments and important details of your wedding day will be captured in beautiful images for a lifetime of memories. You’re getting married. Congratulations! And, you want your wedding day to be as perfect and beautiful as you’ve always dreamed. But, if you choose the wrong photographer, your day may be a lot less than perfect, and you may not be satisfied with the images your photographer captures. Bummer. So, how do you choose the right photographer? Here’s how. Make sure your wedding photographer offers you these five things. Then you can relax and feel confident the love, memorable moments, and essential details of your wedding day will be captured in beautiful images for a lifetime of memories. 1. Do you like the photographer’s work? Look at a reasonably good selection of the photographer’s wedding images, not just a few photos on a website. It is best to see at least an album or two and a proof book of a complete wedding. The albums probably represent the best of the photographer’s work, and the proof book shows all the typical images he or she captures during a wedding day. How do the images look to you? Are they pleasing to look at? Do the lighting and the colour look acceptable to you? Is the photographer’s style what you are looking for? Most of our bridal couples are looking for a mix of photojournalistic images and classic posed traditional ones. Make sure your photographer is capable of, and comfortable with, taking the style of photos you want for your wedding. If you donít like the photographerís work, there is no need to consider them further. Also, make sure the work you see was done by the photographer who will photograph your wedding. Some studios will show you a lot of good work from various photographers, but will not guarantee you will get the photographer whose work you like the best. Sometimes, a husband and wife team like ours is the best way to be sure the photographerís work you see is the work you will get. 2. Do you like the photographer’s personality and mannerisms? Is the photographer confident, easy-going and not a nervous ninny? Does the photographer have a good sense of humour? Remember, the photographer will be present throughout most of your wedding day, interacting with you, your wedding party, family, and guests. A demanding, inflexible, and uptight photographer can make your day unpleasant. I know you don’t want that! Make sure you and your spouse-to-be get along well with the photographer you choose. If the photographer will have a second photographer help at your wedding, meet the assistant photographer and make sure you feel comfortable with them. To get to know your photographer before choosing them, you must meet with them. If it is physically impossible to meet with the photographer, you should make sure some of their previous clients’ testimonials make you feel comfortable with the photographers personality. 3. Does the photographer have a strong sense of commitment to photographing your wedding and a professional work ethic? Does the photographer use professional cameras, lenses, and flash systems? Does he or she have at least some lenses that will produce good images in low light situations (f2.8 aperture)? Does the photographer use a softbox over the flash and keep the flash above the lens on both horizontal and vertical photos to minimize shadows in their images? Does he or she always bring a complete set of backup equipment or get a second photographer with another set of equipment to every wedding? How will the photographer and their assistant be dressed on your wedding day? Ask them. Hopefully, they will be professional enough to arrive dressed in a tux, suit, or dressy dress. Although, if your photographer is a man and he says he ís coming in a formal dress, you might worry a little about that. You should get the feeling that your photographer is dedicated to making sure your wedding day is wonderful and that all of the love, emotions and important details will be captured in images you will be able to enjoy for the rest of your life. 4. Does your photographer have the experience to anticipate all the good things that will happen on your wedding day and deal with the bad things that could happen also? An experienced photographer will have photographed enough weddings to anticipate and capture special moments during your day, and the important details that may easily be missed by a newbie. An experienced photographer also knows that things do go wrong sometimes and will be able to anticipate and deal with them, often without you even knowing that something went wrong. That’s why a complete set of backup equipment is necessary. My little kit of duct tape, extra cables, pen knife with scissors, and band-aids has been a lifesaver several times. 5. Does your photographer offer you the right value? Not the right price, but, the correct value. If your photographer doesn’t have all of the above four characteristics, it may not matter their prices. If the photographer has all four, that’s a big part of the value they offer you. In this case, the price should be less important. Just make sure your photographer will provide what is essential to you and is upfront with you about costs for everything you want. Someone who offers a lot price upfront may sound attractive. But, things change when you find they charge extra for every location stop, for the digital image files, for a studio set up at the reception, and so on. A photographer who charges twice as much, but includes almost everything, can often be a better value for you. So, there you have it. Choose your wedding photographer based on the

Date Night Tips
Fashion, Latest Now

Date Night Tips- How to get Ready?

How might I dress for a date? Preferably, you’ll realize where you’re going, so it’s acceptable to dress on the more pleasant side of the clothing standard for the area. For instance, in case you’re going to the bar for an easygoing beverage, maybe were an exquisite sundress as opposed to pants and a tee. You need to appear as though you’ve invested some energy in, while yet being proper for the scene or action. Nonetheless, the main thing is to dress in something that you’re happy with wearing. In case you’re not happy, it will show; you’ll feel off, you’ll continually be changing and being occupied, which will prompt an awful an ideal opportunity for both you and your date. What is the best tone to wear out on the town? The best shading will rely upon what you’re doing and where you’re going. It will likewise rely upon your own style and what colors you can pull off. First dates are incredible for breaking out the delicate pastels and coquettish textures. In the interim, open air dates are the ideal chance to wear splendid tones and fun examples. In case you’re set for a conventional supper, a dark or white outfit is an exemplary decision, though for a show, wear your dark pants and battle boots. What would it be a good idea for you to not wear on a first date? You ought not wear whatever makes you awkward; else, you may not establish the best first connection. Except if it’s your ordinary tasteful, try not to threaten outfits like political shirts and swear words. Occasionally it’s ideal to slide your accomplice into your full character – additionally, you need to leave some interest in date number two. How would I look hot out on the town? While dates can be both butterfly-actuating and nerve-wracking, the most ideal approach to look hot out on the town is to be certain and agreeable. Wear something that you feel great in, and that shows off your character. Likewise, appreciate the interaction of preparing. Dates are a magnificent pardon for some additional self-care – more for you than them. Treat yourself to an updated skincare standard, a pleasant nail trim, and in case you’re slanted, newly shaved legs. On the off chance that you like wearing cosmetics, make a point to incorporate your number one lipstick, as numerous ladies know, this can give you that little additional lift. In addition, it causes to notice your dazzling, kissable lips!

My heart is crying for you, Daddy
Latest Now, Writer's Corner

My heart is crying for you, Daddy.

I sketch your picture every morning. I never get tired of drawing my best friend, And I love to read this sketch with thousands of tears. This tear’s not just a drop of sadness It is a bundle of your love, Daddy. My heart is crying for you, daddy, You are my mirror of life. The mirror is now broken into thousands of pieces. The Colour of my heart is a shadow of blood, But my Canvas just flooded with a fear of the dark. Darkness is always just a shadow of fear, And I walked my fear with the mystery of power. Because of your love, daddy taught me how to fight with it. And your guide has become my best chum. Here is my destiny, and I always walk by your side Even though I know this is just moonlight on the water But still, I can see your love in the sunlight, daddy It is the way that my breaths got sustenance to live. Daddy, you are the core of my planet You are always my first love. I love to celebrate each Father’s Day, Even you are just on my picture of the core. My soul always tied with your love Through tears or my glee. And you deserve to be admired, Daddy. I wish you could return home, but you belong in the blue. Daddy, I miss you and wish I could have you back. Without you, Daddy, I’m lost. You are the one thing missing from my core and I want to see you again, I want to tell you that I am still waiting for you. And yes, I sketch your picture every day So, I can feel you are always with me. By Rinmin #rinrainbow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find more poem

Home Insurance Tips
Insurance and legal

40+ Home Insurance Savings Tips

Your home is frequently your most valuable asset, which you must safeguard. We compiled a list of all home insurance savings opportunities. This is the most comprehensive collection of home insurance savings strategies. This list was compiled by a number of insurance agents. So, let’s get started! 1. Modify your content coverage: Are you renting a condo? You can frequently reduce your content coverage. If you merely have a laptop and some IKEA furniture, there’s no need to insure them up to $250,000! 2. Renovations: Renovating your home can result in decreased home insurance costs, as older, poorly kept homes typically have higher premiums. Furthermore, upgrading merely a portion of your home (for example, the roof) can result in insurance savings. 3. Pool: Adding a swimming pool to your home will almost certainly raise your insurance rates because your liability (e.g., the chance of someone drowning) and the value of your home have increased. 4. Pipes: Insurers prefer copper or plastic plumbing, so upgrading your galvanised / lead pipes during your next renovation cycle may be a good option. 5. Shop around: Look for, compare, and change insurance carriers. Because there are various insurance companies and their price offerings for the same policy might vary greatly, use multiple internet tools and consult with several brokers, as each will cover a limited number of insurance firms. 6. Wiring: Some wiring types are more expensive or less expensive to insure than others. Make sure you have acceptable wire types, and avoid aluminium wirings at all costs, which can be quite expensive to insure. Not all insurers will cover homes with aluminium wire, and those that do will demand a thorough electrical check. 7. Home Insurance Deductibles: Just like with vehicle insurance, you may choose a greater home insurance deductible to lower your insurance prices. 8. Do you require Home and Auto Insurance? Most businesses will give you a discount if you buy them all at once. 9. New Home: Find out whether your insurer offers a new home discount; some do. 10. Claim-free discount: Some firms may provide you a claim-free discount if you haven’t filed any claims. 11. Mortgage-free home: If you pay off your mortgage in full, several insurers will reward you with decreased premiums. 12. Professional Membership: Do you belong to any professional organisations (for example, Certified Management Accountants of Canada or The Air Canada Pilots Association)? Some insurance companies will then give you a discount. 13. Seniors: Many businesses give senior discounts. 14. Annual vs. monthly payments: Compared to monthly payments, annual payments save insurers administrative costs (e.g., bill mailing) and hence reward you with cheaper rates. 15. Annual review: Review your policies and coverage every year, as new discounts may apply to your changed life situation. 16. Alumni: Graduates of select Canadian universities (for example, the University of Toronto and McGill University) may be eligible for a discount from certain insurance companies. 17. Employees and union members: Some businesses provide discounts to union members ( e.g. IBM Canada or Research in Motion) 18. Mortgage insurance: Getting mortgage insurance when you have enough Life insurance coverage is not always necessary: mortgage insurance is another name for a Life/Critical Illness/Disability insurance associated with your home only, but you pay extra for the convenience of getting insurance directly when lending the money. A Term Life policy, for example, large enough to pay off your mortgage is usually less expensive. 19. Cancel earthquake insurance: Because earthquakes are unlikely in many areas, you may choose not to purchase earthquake insurance, lowering your premiums. In British Columbia, for example, earthquake coverage can account for up to one-third of a policy’s premium. 20. Wood stove: Using a wood stove entails paying more in insurance premiums – Insurance companies frequently decide to evaluate properties with such installations before insuring them. A choice to remove it implies a lesser risk and, as a result, lower insurance costs. 21. Heating: Insurance companies prefer forced-air gas furnaces or electric heat installations. If you have an oil-heated home, you may be spending more than your neighbours who have other types of heating. 22. Bicycle: Are you purchasing a new bicycle and considering additional protection in case it is stolen when you leave it on the street, such as when doing your groceries? It’s possible that your homeowner’s insurance already covers it. 23. Quit smoking: Because there is a higher risk of fire in smokers’ homes, several insurers raise their premiums. 24. Maintain a clean claim history by not filing little claims; sometimes it is better to just fix minor damage rather than file a claim; you should examine both aspects: your deductibles and future premium increases. 25. Rebuilding vs. market costs: When selecting an insurance policy, consider your rebuilding costs rather than the market value of your home (market price can be significantly higher than real rebuilding costs). 26. Welcome discount: Some insurance companies provide a so-called welcome discount. 27. Avoid living in unsafe places: Some areas are more vulnerable to natural disasters than others; avoid buying a home in flood- or earthquake-prone zones. 28. Neighbourhood: Moving to a safer neighbourhood with a lower crime rate will frequently affect your insurance prices. 29. Centrally connected alarm: Some insurers will recognise the installation of an alarm connected to a central monitoring system in premiums. 30. Monitoring: Having your home, apartment, or condo monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week may result in an insurance reduction. For example, a security guard. 31. Hydrants and fire stations: Being close to a water hydrant and/or a fire station can also lower your premiums. 32. Loyalty: Staying with the same insurer for a longer period of time may result in a long-term policyholder discount. 33. Water damage: Avoid purchasing a home that has a history of water damage; a check with the insurance provider will help you find out before you buy the home. 34. Decrease liability risk: Using meaningful strategies to reduce liability risk (e.g., fencing off a pool) might

New Credit Card

Hunting for a New Credit Card? Here Are 10 Things You Should Definitely Know

Credit cards provide a plethora of features and perks, which is why they are such a popular phenomenon. If you plan to apply for a credit card anytime soon, here are ten things you should know. These tips will help you understand how credit cards function and what to expect from them. Credit card annual fees All credit cards supplied by banks (or a significant portion of them) have an annual charge. The annual cost varies widely between cards, even among those issued by the same bank. Premier cards, which provide more perks than standard cards, typically have a higher annual charge. While the primary card almost certainly has an annual fee, supplemental cards almost always do as well. The yearly charge on the supplementary card is sometimes waived for the first year or two to keep the card competitive and in demand. Certain banks also waive the yearly fee on the principal card for the first year, two years, or longer. Annual interest rate All credit card transactions are subject to an interest rate known as the annual percentage rate of interest (APR). The interest rate is determined by the bank that issues the card and the type of card. In Singapore, the interest rate on most credit cards ranges between 23% and 30% per annum. Banks provide an interest-free period of approximately 21 days after the release of the statement (again, this varies by bank and card type) and do not charge interest if the amount is repaid in full within this interest-free. If the sum is not paid before the end of the interest-free term, interest charges will apply. Cash advance fees Customers using credit cards can withdraw emergency cash from ATMs. These cash advances come with a handling fee of roughly 5%-6% of the withdrawn amount, as well as interest rates ranging between 23% and 28% p.a. Interest on cash advances is calculated daily at a compounding rate until the entire amount is repaid. Cash advances are typically a risky phenomenon, owing to the high-interest rates. So, if you withdraw money with your credit card, it is best to reimburse the full amount as soon as possible. Minimum monthly instalments As a credit card client, you are expected to pay a minimum amount of 3% of the total monthly outstanding balance each month – or the entire amount if possible. If late payment penalties are to be avoided, minimum payments must be made by the payment due date. If applicable, the minimum payment on your credit card monthly statement may also contain pending minimum payments from previous months, late payment costs, cash advance charges, and over-limit fees. Late payment penalties If the minimum amount is not paid by the payment due date, banks assess a cost known as the late payment fee. The late payment cost for credit cards in Singapore can range between S$40 and S$80, depending on the bank that issues the card. Overage charges Over-limit fees remain in effect and are levied by the bank if the assigned credit limit is exceeded. Overlimit fees for credit cards in Singapore can range between S$40 and S$60. Cashbacks and bonus points Credit cards are an intriguing phenomenon because of the reward points/cashback that may be earned on transactions. Different cards have different structures and allow you to earn cashback, reward points, or both on your transactions. Some cards allow you to earn reward points on groceries, while others allow you to earn cashback or reward points on airline ticket purchases, retail transactions, and so on. Cashbacks and reward points are characteristics that are exclusive to certain credit cards, and the amount of the advantages vary depending on the type of card and the bank that provides the card. Purchase rewards points can be redeemed for interesting vouchers, discounts, and appealing shopping/retail purchase/online bargains from the card’s rewards catalogue. Transfers of funds Certain credit cards allow you to consolidate your debt by transferring your full credit card amount to that specific credit card account. Balance transfer credit cards have an interest-free term ranging from 6 months to 1 year, depending on the card you apply for. Banks charge a processing fee and may also charge interest on balance transfer cards (unlikely in a majority of cases). After the interest-free period (6 months – 1 year depending on the card), normal interest rates for transactions and cash advances apply. Singapore’s air mileage programmes Certain credit cards (mainly premium credit cards) offered by various Singapore banks allow you to earn air miles by converting reward points earned on card purchases. Due to the premium nature of air miles cards, they typically have a higher annual cost. You can earn enough air mile points as a customer of a premium credit card to totally offset your next vacation! Credit ratings In a nutshell, your credit score is a prediction of how effectively you’ve handled debt in the past. It considers your payment habits and records instances of late payments, credit over limits, loan defaults, history of regular/timely payments, and so on, and provides banks with an estimate of how good you will be at handling debt in the future. A strong credit score is essential for getting loan and credit card applications accepted. If you are thinking about applying for a credit card, the information presented above will be useful. These elements will provide you with a thorough overview of how credit cards work in Singapore, giving you a clearer concept of what to expect. These will also work if you are unhappy with your present card and want to move to another credit card.

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