You aren’t mine

   My heart is furious

Its seeing bizarre delusions

When I close my eyes

It feels that You are mine,

It’s giving itself deceitful expectations.

I have absolutely nothing.

All my imaginings are just fake.

Would you please Come to me and

 make this soul understand

that You aren’t mine.

My Tears fell all night

I was waiting for you

but it was just my hallucination.

This heart fears parting

Knotted to your breaths,

Because it was only attached to you.

I can see your faded love ,

    Even I know each step will kill myself

Still, my fake desire pushing me to know

That you are mine.

Such great of aching you get

When your thoughts remain a dream.

I don’t know what color of my heart is it dark or the color of blood.

Justify me every day to get your love

Even I know you aren’t mine.

My heart always cries without you,

Dowse, my eyes thirst

I ask nothing of the fate.

The sentence was written for me,

You aren’t mine.

Collected from colorofpoem.


43 thoughts on “You aren’t mine”

  1. That was quite heartbreaking. I also went to a point when i had an affection to someone that i know won’t love me in return. But yeah, i came to realize that more than anything else, self love is more important so instead of wasting my feelings, i decided to be patient and wait for God’s perfect timing to find the right one
    Thank you for sharing this poem

  2. Patricia Chamberlain

    This is such a sad, but beautiful, poem. I think we’ve all experienced loving someone who doesn’t love us back.

  3. Such a lovely and heartbreaking poem. Reading your poem is like a bible. Blended with So much emotion and love.Thank you for sharing!

  4. absolutely loved the poem. it’s very creative and nicely written. I read it out loud and I loved how it sounded 9it doesn’t always and nessesary happens to the poems in my eyes)

  5. Very powerful. It reminds me of someone that was in and out of my life, their intentions always unclear and leaving me confused on our relationship.

  6. So powerful. We’ve all been there. It’s so incredibly crushing to come to grips with the fact that someone isn’t yours no matter how much you want them to be.

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