Save Children -Making a difference to children and families in financial stress

Children International has improved many lives and helped hundreds
of thousands of children escape poverty’s grip … but none of it might are potential without the assistance of supporters like you.

How dominant is poverty and economic stress among Australian children and families, and what has been the impact of COVID-19?


What variance could Social Security spending make?

This research brief presents key findings from a study commissioned by BSL and Social Ventures Australia and undertaken at the Centre for Social Research and Methods at the Australian National University.

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At a look

  • Inadequate Social Security payments play an outsized role in shaping poverty and financial stress trends in Australia.
    By 2017, two-thirds (66%) of youngsters in families whose main source of income was Newstart (now JobSeeker Payment) were living in poverty, up from 25% in 1993.
    • Particular parent families have much advanced rates of poverty than couple families.
    • Despite increased unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic, poverty rates for youngsters of single parents fell from 39% to only 17% as a results of the $550 per fortnight Coronavirus Supplement.
    • Modelling shows that increasing overall Social Security spending by up to twenty would yield strong benefits in reducing poverty and financial stress when targeted towards working age payments, reducing poverty rates for the recipients by up to 75%.
    Dive deeper
    The ANU study modelled
    • Australian trends in poverty, child poverty and financial stress for families counting on income support
    • the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent income support alterations on poverty and child poverty rates
    • the optimal level of income support required to scale back poverty and financial stress for families and youngsters within the most cost-effective way.

Meet some of our astounding kids who are expecting for sponsorship.Save Children and Make a difference 

Every day we’re motivated by the people we provision.It’s their obligation that initiatives the effort that we do. 

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3 thoughts on “Save Children -Making a difference to children and families in financial stress”

  1. Philippines is also part of the third world and honestly poverty is also one of our prominent issues we are facing.. I just hope there are enough government or even NGO programs to help them

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